Sunday, March 9, 2014

My dearest family,
Well mom informed me this morning that my mission is going by fast for her and the family... I feel so loved. hahaha
I had a pretty great week. I got to attend the temple this week and It was amazing!!! :) I am so grateful for the temple.
We had zone conference this week and we got to give a short training. It went well. We also had zone Olympics and I competed in push ups.. I lost haha I was so upset. hahaha don't worry I didn't act like I was upset though.
This week we had the wonderful opportunity to teach the restoration to so many individuals. We had a member with us for each one and the spirit was very strong. Sister Larson and I were having a hard time though, because non of those individuals were accepting the message. We questioned our teaching skills and other things that we could have done to prevent them from accepting it. This morning I was reading in PMG chapter 11. It talked about how, "effective missionaries teach, testify and invite." As Sister Larson and I talked about it, we realized we were fulfilling our purpose, and that is such a blessing.
As I was in the celestial room I started to feel an overwhelming sadness... Which is not normal at all. I then realized it was because I was thinking about all the people I have taught on my mission who were not willing to change. It is so sad because they don't understand that if they made the temple their goal their lives would be so much better. I am so grateful Heavenly Father has blessed us so much. I wish I could attend the temple more often.
The ward here is so wonderful and this area has such potential. I am so excited to be here. Thank you for all you do family. I love you so much
Love, Sister Page