Monday, June 30, 2014

Dear Family,
So I didn't tell you but this week was transfer week. I am so grateful I get to stay in Papillion with Sister Fuller. Heavenly Father has really been blessing us. We had a wonderful week. I can't remember if I told you last week about Koffi, but he is from Africa. Sister Fuller and I met him at the Library emailing two weeks ago. We had a lesson with him this week. He has some interesting idea's but he is open to learning. We asked him to pray at the end of the lesson. It took him 40 minutes to explain how he prays and then 10 minutes to do the prayer... atleast I think it was ten minutes I am not exactly sure when it started and ended. It was more like meditation. It was super funny. He said he will come join us for church sometime soon.
This girl named Bailey, who I helped teach a couple of times on exchanges was baptized this week. It was so cute because she is not in my ward but she made sure the elders told me to come. Her and I have become really good friends and it is amazing to see the changes she has made. She is very special. We knew in order to go we would need to get some investigators their so Sister Fuller and I prayed really hard. We ended up getting two investigators at the baptism. It was a miracle. Heavenly Father really does answer prayers.
Since this week was transfers Sister Fuller and I got to go to Omaha and take the missionaries out on their first day in the field. We brought them back to Papillion for a couple hours. Sister Fuller and I new that so many blessing and miracles come when we have new missionaries with us. I took one of the new missionaries(Sister Nelson) to go visit this family we had been doing service for. We had never taught them so we wanted to see if we could make them new investigators. We were able to sit down and talk to the two daughters. We taught them the restoration and invited them to be baptized. They told us that they really wanted to. The spirit was really strong and Heavenly Father definitely blessed us for Sister Nelsons benefit. She was pretty nervous but she did a great job! It was so neat. I feel like it was yesterday that I went out as a new missionary that very first day in the field... time is going by way too fast.
Even though Sister Fuller and I weren't getting transferred we still had to go to transfer point and help the sisters in our stewardship get where they needed to be. We were loading all the bags in the transfer van when it started down pouring. It was awesome. We were out in the rain for at least an hour. By the end we were just in puddles of water. I had straightened my hair that morning and by the end my hair was so curly. I haven't had that much fun in a really long time. It was a good day. Sister Call is opening an area and training Sister Nelson. We are their STLs hahaha it is kinda a joke because Sister Call taught me everything I know but I am still so excited!
So yesterday was probably the best Sunday on my mission. We made a deal with one of our investigators, Larry, that if he went to our church we would go to his... haha we totally went to the Methodist Church yesterday. It was such an interesting experience. It was uplifting but definitely something was missing.  It felt so good to go the Church after that and feel the difference. Larry really enjoyed church and I know he could feel the difference as well. I know with all my heart The Church of Jesus Christ is the Lord's Kingdom here on earth. I have no doubt. It was a really neat experience. Yesterday was such a miracle day. We had four nonmembers at church and 3 less actives. Sister Fuller and I have really enjoyed watching people change and turn to Christ in hard times. It is never too late to become the person Heavenly Father wants you to be. No one can ever lose their Divine Potential.
I am so grateful to be a missionary and serve my Heavenly Father full time.
The church is true... thank goodness :)
I love you all! Be good :)
With Love, Sister Page
ps I had pictures of us in the rain but they wont load :( hopefully I can get them sent next week
Dear family,
Yes, to answer your questions.... there have been many storms these last few weeks. It is really scary. You know how I liked cried when we watched the twister 3D movie thing at Disney World? Yeah, well here it is real and it I can't handle it haha so last Monday two tornadoes touch down just outside of Omaha. That is where Sister Fuller was serving before this. The town is very small but it is destroyed. It was very sad. There has been a lot of service to do for missionaries here in Nebraska. It is really neat to see it soften hearts.
Last Monday night we were going to have FHE with the Huie family. We got a call from one of our investigators, Sharon, because she needed help moving her daughter in. We took the Huie family over there and did service with them. It was amazing how the Lord lined that all up perfectly. Sharon's daughter Danese moved in from Wisconsin. She because a a sad situation had to move her immediately. We were able to call the Wisconsin mission and get missionaries over there to help her. Then, when she got to Nebraska we helped her. Sharon and Danese are very catholic, but they pretty much have fallen in love with missionaries. We invited them over to dinner with our relief society president for next Monday. We hope and pray they will be open to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They other miracles is a less active member is starting to fellowship her. So you know what that means... you have to come to church to fellowship someone hee hee ;)
We also had the opportunity to go on exchanges this week with the Spanish sisters. Basically I am going to be fluent by the time I get home :) I am grateful to get to work with the Hispanic culture a little on my mission. Plus the food they make is way good. haha
We have been praying to find a new investigator and last week we decided the miracle for Preperation day was that we would find someone while doing our preparation day stuff.. anyway, we totally did. His name is Koffee and he is from Africa. He took a Book of Mormon and we will be teaching him again this week. It is pretty amazing the things that can happen when you plan and prepare for miracles.
Tuesday the miracles we decided we were going to plan for was to get an investigator to the Relief Society activity. We basically focused all day on that and shape our whole day to produce that miracle. So it totally didn't happen haha no one came, BUT as we were inviting all these ladies to the activity we ended up finding someone new to teach and do service for. The miracle Heavenly Father wanted to give us was different then we had planned but because we had faith and acted on that faith it all worked out. It was pretty neat.
So the sad part about my week. George, who I talked about last week called and cancelled our appointment because he found a bunch of anti on the internet. It broke my heart. We went and talked to him about it. He is so nice and has such a desire to follow the Savior so it was really sad to see him get so confused. We just bore our testimonies and prayed with him. It was probably the most heart felt prayer I have ever given. I know one day he will accept the Gospel. Right after we left his house the storm hit. I think God was showing George he didn't approve of His decision. haha the storm was so bad that Sister Fuller and I pulled the car over and sang Hymns until the really bad part passed. It was a really neat experience.
So many times on my mission I feel as though Heavenly Father is humbling me. I was reading alma 5 in sacrament meeting and verse 28 hit me pretty hard. Although it will take a lifetime, we need to be completely stripped of pride to live with God. As you can imagine this is extremely hard for me, but I know When God does humble me he helps me back up. Our mission has been talking a lot about hope. The phrase, "perfect brightness of hope" has a whole new meaning to me. I want you all to read the hope section in chapter 6 of PMG.
I LOVE YOU ALL! Thanks for all the love and support I hope you have a wonderful. Always remember what is most important.
With all my love, Sister Page
PS I will send pictures next week. I totally went to THE zoo :) HAHA
Dear Family,
I hope you had a wonderful fathers day dad. Sister Fuller and I sang happy birthday and happy fathers day to our dads this last week. We sure love our dads so much.
So we have an investigator named George. He is like in his late 70's and he is my favorite person. He has no intention on changing though. He is all alone and his only friends are from his church. He has been reading the Book of Mormon though and at first he was looking for every reason for in not to be true. He is now in Helaman and he totally knows it is true. He hasn't admitted it, but his feelings about it has totally changed as he has read. We have taught him all three lessons and the other day he said "it is like your church has all the pieces to the puzzle." yeah... he totally knows it is true and it is basically killing me. He said he would listen to the three lessons and after that there wasn't any point in teaching him. So we have taught him the three lesson and I wanted so badly to teach him again so I made up some excuse and got he let us in last Monday. We read from the Book of Mormon with him and watched the Mormon message by Elder Holland that is taken from his talk on, "safety for the soul" It was so amazing. We also took him a fathers day card yesterday, because he has no family and he said we could come read with him again. I am so excited.
There are a lot of other wonderful things happening. A set of sisters in our stewardship have been really struggling. So we went and blitzed their area. We held a fast with them before and we asked them what we should fast for. They said they wanted to find two new investigators during the exchange. Sister Fuller and I lacked in faith and weren't sure if it was obtainable(we are so dumb), but we fasted and prayed with them. Anyway long story short we saw some crazy miracles and found 3 investigators from them and one for us. Haha anything is possible with the Lord. It was a wonderful day.
This last weekend we went to a BBQ with some members. They invited some of their nonmember friends. We have been trying to teach this family they are friends with for a while. We ended up playing soccer and become really good friends with this family. We are going to see the family today! We were pretty excited.
Sister Fuller and I trained at some zone trainings this last week. We talked a lot about the Atonement. sometimes I am stupid and I forget that it is all about Him. I love the quote from Elder Erying in the last general conference and it reminded me of my family... he said, "If you let Him be the leader of your family, things will work out." I know that is true for everyone. How blessed our we to know the truth. don't ever hesitate to share it with others.
I love you all so very much. Remember what is most important and be happy for  we have all the reason to be happy! :)
With love, Sister Page
PS HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FAVORITE BROTHER BRITON (he is my favorite because he is the only one who writes me) I love you birdie. Have a great birthday!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Dear family,
This week has been a little crazy, but one of the best weeks of my mission. So we have been preparing Aly for baptism for the passed couple of months. She has been waiting for her dad, but her dad is living with a less active and is not married. Last Sunday he came to us and told us he was finally ready to be baptized. We were pretty stressed because we were not sure if he would be ready. Sister Fuller and I prayed really hard and we knew there were a couple of things we needed to do to make sure he was ready. We had some really powerful lessons with him and tried to include members as much as possible this last week. He was married yesterday and made it to church! He and Aly have a strong desire to follow Christ. It is so neat to see the Gospel of Jesus Christ change people. The other thing that was really stressful is Sister Fuller and I had to venture out and go find her mom and ask permission for her to be baptized. We were praying really hard. It went really well. We know Heavenly Father was very involved in the work. I know we would not have seen the miracles we saw without Him. They are going to be baptized this Saturday and we are very excited!
I also got the opportunity to attend the temple this week. Sister Fuller and I fasted for the John and Aly and their family( the Huies). I am so grateful Heavenly Father gave us that opportunity this week! It could not come at a better time! I am so grateful for the blessing of the temple. I hope I never take it for granted.
Yesterday the Huis were all at church and four less actives we have been working with. It was such a miracle.
We were on exchanges with the Elkhorn Sisters this last week. Sister Stevens who spoke in general conference was visiting there. So, I went back to read her talk. She talked about how, " the Gospel is not weight; it is wings. It carries us. We can choose to reach for God's hand in our need. We can face our challenges with prayer and trust in the Lord. And in the process we will become like Him." I am so grateful to have to opportunity to help others reach for God's hand and see them become more like them. I know the gospel is our wings and the temple is the vision. I love you all. Thank you for your prayers. Have a wonderful week.
With love, Sister Page

​Dear family,
It is so weird school gets out this week. it literally seems like yesterday that school started it August... weird. I hope you have a wonderful week and enjoy the freedom haha
This week went really well. We had zone conferences this week. The focus was on eternal families. Our mission President said that he had a mission president conference with Elder Nelson and he said that the world first attacked Joseph Smith, then the Book of Mormon and now the attack is on the families. It was an amazing zone conference. In Preach My Gospel it talks about how " God has established families to bring happiness to His children, allow them to learn correct principles in a loving atmosphere, and prepare them for eternal life." I know the family is central to God's plan for us. We have had the opportunity to be teaching a part member family. Aly is ready to be baptized and this last week John, her dad, told us he was ready to be baptized with her. They will be baptized June 7. They all still have a lot to learn and understand, but I know with the Lord's help all things are possible. I am grateful to have the opportunity to teach their family. they all have a lot of different concerns. Johns fiancĂ©, Leslie, is a less active. We were having a lesson with their whole family. Johns mom, Judy, was in town. She is a southern Baptist. Leslie was saying how she didn't want to go to church with a bunch of hypocrites and Judy just looked at her and said "I would rather go to church with a bunch of hypocrites than to hell with one." haha it was so funny but it really hit Leslie. Each member in that family is struggling with something different, but I know with all my heart that happiness in families is most likely achieved when founded upon the teachings of Jesus Christ. So please pray for the Huie family. I know with His help hearts will be changed and they will begin to understand.
Yesterday we got to take Marian, a recent convert, to the trail center. We were really sad her none member daughter didn't come, but it was a wonderful experience. My companion is a direct descendant from Amy Sumner Porter, the lady who I talked about in my farewell talk. She told us the story while we were looking at the temple and the cemetery. Amy truly knew the importance of the gospel for her family. Because of her sacrifice now thousands of her descendants having the blessing of the gospel. It is so amazing. I wish we all could understand and have the faith that she did.
Sorry my email is so short. I hope you all know I love you and grateful for our family and the gospel. I want everyone in our family to think of one thing you can do to help our family be more in line with the family proclamation because it was truly inspired of God. I am going to ask you all  next week what you came up with. I love you!! :) Be happy for we all have so many reasons to be happy!
Love, Sister Page

Dear Family,
It sounds like you have all been doing really well. Lots of changes have happened here as well. I am still in Papillion but I have a new companion. She is great. Her name is Sister Fuller. She is from mesa Arizona. I still get to be a STL and I am very excited to serve with Sister Fuller. They sisters need her charity and strength. I know I will learn a lot from her.
Since this week was the last week of transfers we ran completely out of miles. haha so we had to walk everywhere. I loved it. We had been praying to find people to teach. It is cool to see how the spirit really does guide you even though in the moment you don't usually realize it. We were walking to an investigators house and decided to talk a different road. Then, we saw all these news papers all over the street so we picked them all up and then we were looking for a recycling bin. We then saw this lady who was taking her garbage can out to the street. So we ran up and asked her if we could pit it in there. It was perfect timing. We then talked to her about the book of Mormon. She had actually been to church with a member a couple years ago and wanted to know a little more about it. She currently attends a church but she said we could come back! My whole mission I have really struggled with learning to rely on the spirit. I know that if we are working hard and being obedient the Lord will guide us even if we don't realize it.
Since Sister Larson was leaving she got to go say goodbye to people and bear her testimony. It is weird how the work halts for a little when missionaries leave an area, but I am praying that our investigators will continue to progress. We saw George and unfortunately he was told a lot of anti Mormon stuff. It broke my heart. You could tell he knew everything we taught him was true but he is just afraid of change. We will continue to pray for him and to go stop by. Ali on the other hand is doing so great! She came to church with us this last week and we had a really awesome lesson with her. She knew like all the answers to my questions. It was so cute to see her reading personal progress and true to the faith doing sacrament meeting. She just is so prepared and naturally wants to do the right thing even though her family is making poor decisions. It is very inspiring. I am so grateful for the opportunity to teach her.
Another neat thing that happened this week was the day of transfers. I was just a little over whelmed taking on the area and the sisters by myself and making sure transfers went smoothly for all the sisters. The night before I was praying for help. Sister Larson was suppose to leave to Sioux City in the morning but she ended up having to wait till that evening to leave. So, she got to spend to day with Sister Fuller and I. We got to figure everything out together and so I didn't feel as stressed. It was such a tender mercy.
We also had some less actives attend church yesterday and one of them told us she wanted to work towards the temple. There is honestly nothing I would rather do than help someone receive the blessings of the temple. I know Papillion has so much potential. I am grateful for the miracles we have seen and excited to see more.
I love you all have a wonderful week. :)
With love, Sister Page
PS my companion is on a Mormon message called 195 dresses go look it up haha
pps look who I found at my church building... Jackie and Casey Smith haha
My dearest family,
Thanks for all the birthday wishes!
It was so good to see you yesterday. I am glad I got that opportunity to Skype with you. I wasn't joking when I said there was a tornado. Many missionaries didn't get a chance to talk with there family because the power went out. It was actually really cool to see a tornado form though. They still scare me to death though hahah nothing has changed.
I feel like there is nothing to update you on because I told you about like everything big that happened on Skype yesterday.
We have been working a lot with this less active named Nancy. She works everyday and is really stressed about finances. We had a really neat lesson with her this week. She wasn't to have sundays off so bad. I have never felt so strongly as a missionary to promise blessings to someone as I did with her. I know if the Lord will provide for her if she makes that sacrifice. She had a hard time because she is very literal and she doesn't know how taking Sundays off with work but I know miracles don't always make sense. It is so neat to see her faith grow.
I told you a little about George and the Huie family we are working with. I want them to be baptized so bad. We have had some pretty powerful lessons with them. they know it is right. Satan just knows how to get to peoples weak spots though. The dad of the Huie family is not a member. He has been struggling a lot with some things. I am so grateful for the priesthood power though. He was able to receive a priesthood blessing. I know with all my heart he can receive the answers to his prayers.
I am also very grateful for conference. I loved Elder Utchdorfs talk. I think I already talked about it but I love when he said, " We sometimes think that being grateful is what we do after our problems are solved, but how terribly shortsighted that is. How much of life do we miss by waiting to see the rainbow before thanking God that there is rain?" 
I know we can be happy and grateful in all circumstances.
I love you all. have a wonderful week.
With love, Sister Page
My dearest family,
I am surprised ya'll remembered my birthday haha crazy I only have 2 more days to be a teenager haha feel free to have a birthday party for me at home!
Another week gone by in the mission... I feel like just yesterday I emailed you haha so quick story. Sister Larson and I were street contacting and this guy was outside with his dogs. So, we asked if we could pet them (no I didn't really want to pet them but it is a good excuse to talk) I bent over to pet the dog and I smelled something awful. I then realized I had just stepped in the dogs poo naturally I tried to hide it but the owner totally noticed and was trying not to laugh. I was bearing my testimony about the book of Mormon and trying to awkwardly wipe it off in the grass. The guy could not even take me seriously haha it was a joke so finally I just got his information down and left. I took my pen and got it all out of my shoe. Then we got in the car and left. Me being an idiot I forgot and starting writing with the pen again and then I stuck it in my mouth and sister Larson was like, "um sister page..." and finally realized spit it out and just yelled my head off. It was quit funny. Sister Larson and I needed a good laugh. But seriously I am so dumb.
On Tuesday of this last week I woke up sorta in a lame mood. I just went through the morning motions and didn't think much of it. I was a little distracted during my studies and just figured it would only affect me. We received a call from one of the sisters who was struggling a lot. She was feeling really depressed so we decided to go spend the day with them. I went out with the sister who was having a hard time. I tried to know what Heavenly Father would have me say to help her, but I was having a really hard time feeling the spirit. I then realized it was because of my attitude and my poor studies that morning. I felt so bad that I wasn't of much help to her. I know realize why it is so important to always be worthy of the spirit and to be spiritually ready at al times so we can be an instrument in the Lords hands.
We had a really neat lesson with this old man named George on Wednesday. We taught him the plan of salvation. The spirit was really strong and you could tell he was starting to understand how God's plan for us is perfect and that people is the worked are very confused about the purpose of this life. He is very strong in his church but has an open heart. We haven been seeing him for the past couple weeks. It is so neat to see how his heart is being softened as he reads from the book of Mormon. I honestly think the only thing holding him back is his friends from his church. We are having a lesson with him on Wednesday (my birthday) nothing more would I want than to set him for baptism. That would be the best birthday ever :)
I love that it is warming up so that we can talk to more people outside! It is suppose to get up to 90 degrees this week! Warm weather just makes people feel happier!
So, my thought for the week. I have been thinking a lot about the Atonement. We all know the Atonement is infinite and His grace is sufficient to heal us, but when we talk about "applying the atonement", it is hard to know what our role is. The phrase "applying the Atonement" sorta frustrates me a little. In many ways I know it is something that we can learn, but not necessarily be taught. Yesterday in sunday school we watched this video of a talk given many years ago by Elder Bushe called "unleashing the dormant sprit" I know this is how we can apply the atonement. It is a video on youtube and I want you all to go look it up.
I love you all have a happy birthday week ;)
With love, Sister Page
ps mom I need those stories from our ancestors

Dear Family,
Well, it was another wonderful week in Nebraska. Thank you mom for the Easter package. This week I had the opportunity to go to the Elkhorn area on exchanges. We always see neat miracles on exchanges. President told me to read the gospels and see how Christ performed miracles and how He ministered to the people. I remember the advice Uncle Rob gave me when I was getting set apart. He said to study the life of Christ and become a Christ like missionary... I wish I would have done that earlier and I would have been pro by the time my mission president told me to do it too. That really is the key. Anyway, it is neat to be with these sisters because Heavenly Father magnifies my talents just to help them. Sister Kent who I was with felt inspired to leave a book of Mormon with her testimony on the door of this lady they did service for once. We usually don't just leave Book of Mormons on doors like that but she felt inspirited so I told her to act on the promptings of the spirit. She later informed me the lady thanked her for it and is now reading it. I definitely need to act on the promptings of the spirit better without doubts.
We helped this less active lady and her non member husband with their family history this last week. It was so cool because as i was reading some stories of his family history we found out he is a direct descendant of Big Elk. He is the Indian that made the agreement with Brigham Young to let the Mormons stay in Winter quarters. It talks about him a little in the visitor center so tomorrow he and his wife are going to go with us. We hope and pray he feels the spirit! Sister Larson and I have been praying that we get the opportunity to take people to the trail center. This last week 3 people agreed to go with us. We are so excited. It is a wonderful place of conversion.
We had a lesson with the Huie family this last week. They are the part member family and their daughter is Aly. We talked about prayer and the book of Mormon. We showed a couple Mormon messages. The spirited was so strong. The dad, John, who is not a member after asked us if he could receive a priesthood blessing. He wants to be baptized but has to figure some things out first.
On Saturday we helped out with a 5k for Autism awareness. It was so fun and so nice to be outside working all day! I wish i could have ran in it but it was fun to be out serving in the community.
This week we had our stake conference as well. Sister Weston talked about how we need to "live so that God can use us to bring His children home." We also sang the song "I'll  go where you want me to go" I love the part in it where it says, "It may not be at the battle's front My Lord will have need of me. But if, by a still, small voice he calls to paths that i do not know, I'll answer dear Lord, with my hand in thine: I'll go where you want me to go!" Sometimes in missionary work it is hard to feel like everything you are doing is really meaningful and making a difference but I know this is where the Lord sent me and many times it doesn't seem like the battles front but it is where he wants me to be. I know as we do what the Lord wants us to do then we will become what He wants us to become. I love Nephi's last testimony in 2 Nephi 33:15, " For thus hath the Lord spoken and I must obey. Amen." I know because of His obedience he became the person the Lord wanted him to be.
I love you all. Be good and remember who you are and whose you are.
With love, Sister Page
Ps i totally forgot to tell you my incident with a dog and his waste... i will tell you next week hahaha
Dear family,
It sounds like you are doing really well! That makes me happy.:)
So this week was pretty crazy. We saw a huge miracle on Tuesday. So, at leadership council two weeks ago President emphasized that all the missionaries in our stewardship have someone set for baptism. We talked about how we can help them get to that point. So on Tuesday we were going on exchanges with a set of missionaries who didn't have a baptismal set. We made a plan and set some goals with them and then held a fast. that day they had a lesson with this guy and set him for baptism. We also saw many other miracles. It was a wonderful day. They next day I had interviews with President and he talked to me about planning for miracles and having the faith to see them. I know I need to show more faith in the Lords work.  Right after interviews the "awesome" zone leaders asked if we could train the next morning in zone training... we went home to work on it and we just couldn't decide how the training should go. I just had a feeling we needed to get out and work and figure it out later. So we did. We went and had a lesson with Aly and while we were with Aly, Marian called. She is the recent convert who just got diagnosed with cancer. She was feeling very depressed and asked if we would go walk her dogs with her. So us four went out. It was sunny and we had a nice little lesson with both of them. Everything was going well because Marian was finally thinking of something else besides her diagnosis. Then this teenage girl flew by on her skateboard and Marians dog bit her. Long story short the girl is super afraid of blood so she started to freak out. Then Marian since she is super emotionally unstable started to break down. It is sorta funny now but totally was not funny in the moment. So we helped the girl get home and the parents started to get upset with Marian. I just told Marian to go outside and I talked to them for like an hour and my companion and I calmed everyone down. It was rough hahaha BUT the miracle that came out of it was, Marians daughter Amy is not a member and she showed up and saw how Sister Larson and I helped Marian out so much. It softened Amys heart and that night we had a little lesson with her. As of right now she is not super interested in the church, but I know she felt the spirit and that all it takes :) The next day we ended up teaching about the role of the spirit in conversion. It went well :)
Friday we took Aly and her less active step mom to the trail center. It was so neat. The spirit is so strong there! I bet it is super nice for the sisters that get to serve there because it is a huge spiritual boost. I know that Heavenly Father knew I couldn't serve there because being in a building all day would make me go crazy but still it is such a neat place. After the tour we walked around the temple! Aly was dying to go inside it was so cute. She wants to be baptized as soon as possible. I love being a missionary.
My thought for the week is about Lehi's dream. I have been thinking a lot about what the difference between the that partook of the fruit and then fell away and the group that partook of the fruit and stayed. In 1 Nephi 8:30 It talks about how the group that stayed and received a fullness of joy.. it says they, " they came forth and fell down and partook of the fruit of the tree." I have come to realize the difference between those who stay and those who fall away is humility. I know you all are probably laughing right now because y'all know I have struggled with that but I know we need to be humble by being meek, submissive and have a broken heart and a contrite spirit. I know we can choose to be humble by loving God, submitting our will to His, and putting Him first in our lives. I know at the end of like all my emails I say " remember what is most important." That is probably super annoying but putting him first is the key to partaking of the fruit and not falling away. It will bring us eternal joy. I am so grateful for the gospel. I love my family. Have a wonderful week and always remember what is most important.
With love, Sister Page