Monday, September 23, 2013

 Monday we went and played tennis with Alex, the recent convert, haha he such a cute kid and terrible at tennis haha but it was so fun. He really is SO much happier than he was when I first met him. It is kind of crazy that he was one of the first lessons I had when I got to Kearney and that lesson I invited him to be baptized and now he is. It is awesome.
Tuesday as always we went on exchanges. We went to Grand Island. We got to do some service at this really cool art museum. I have never really been to a museum like that. It reminded me of Tyler cause everything was so creative. That night we went and did more service for a member. They live on a private lake.... they had us picking weeds on the private was torture. It was an adventure though I felt something in my hair so I like felt my head and got stung by a bee and my finger swelled all up. I have always wondered if I was allergic to bee's haha I'm not. Then I started to itch way bad and my arm was breaking out. I now know what poison ivy looks like. Then we got to fish for a couple minutes which was pretty fun! I am glad I was taught how to fish because some of the sisters had no idea..haha. Thanks Dad.
Wednesday we taught some awesome lessons. We met this guy named Jason and he had so many questions which I love. He gave us his number and we are going back this week. We also went back to where we use to live and visited our stalker. (Tyler you are in so much trouble for telling them) We talked to him for a little outside and told him we moved across town. We gave him a Book of Mormon and then we got out of there haha.
Thursday we visited a lot of less active ladies. Connie is my favorite and she hasn't been to church in years. She is so nice and I really love her. She is excited for General Conference and I really think that will help her come around.
Friday we visited Betty. I am so discouraged because she is so old that every time we go teach her she forgot what we taught her last time. She has such a special spirit and she wants to be baptized. It is just that every week we have to explain to her why her baptism when she was little wasn't by the authority of God. So I just don't even know what to do about that. She loves us and I love visiting her because she is lonely and she wants to know more about everything. It is just hard cause she is old. We are starting to teach Alex's mom! She was very touched at his baptism and she said she would read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. To be honest I know she knows it is true. BUT we are teaching her this week and I really think she is starting to make an effort. We just need to help her feel the spirit more :)
Saturday was rough. Its football season everyone and every single person in Nebraska is a Huskers fan. It is so ridiculous. NO one will talk to us on Saturdays. So we just end up visiting old ladies who are less active. We will figure out some how to be more productive on Saturdays. Also the Book of Mormon musical is coming to Omaha....which is going to be hard but we will make the best out of the situations. Some problems can be gold mines :)
Sunday was a little disappointing we should have had like 8 investigators/less actives there, and only one showed. It is the worst. My talk went well. I spoke with the mission president which was sorta scary at first but Heavenly Father definitely blessed me. It went a lot better than I deserved. I talked about the Brother of Jared. He is my favorite. If the Lord wouldn't have tried the brother of Jared's faith then he wouldn't have had the opportunity to exercise his Faith which resulted in seeing the Lord face to face. I think a lot of times we wonder why if we are doing what is right why things are still hard but I know it is because the Lord is trying our faith so we can become stronger. Read Ether 4:7 I pretty much just love that story.
Well sorry that was sorta boring but I love my family. I miss you all but I promise my whole heart is in the work. Your letters don't make me lose my focus :)
The church is true. I love you all. Be good.
Love, Sister Page

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