Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My dearest family,
How's it going?
So guess who is baptizing The Betty White this week....This girl. Well technically I am not actually baptizing her but y'all know what i mean :) she is 87 and we have been working with her since I got to Kearney BUT She is the coolest 87 year old ever. She tells us the same jokes every time we see her and it is always funny. She has such a strong desire to follow Christ and i am so happy for her. I know that the adversary is really going to hit her hard this week. I just hope and pray she will not drink coffee and that her Jehovah Witness relatives don't get to her haha anyway it should be a wonderful week!
This last week was a little stressful because many sisters are going through a hard time with health and anxiety but as long as we rely on the Lord he will bless us. (Proverbs 3:5-6) We have really been working with the members lately. Talking a lot about Lehi's dream. the more i learn about it the more i think people a CRAZY for ever thinking Joseph Smith wrote the Book of Mormon but that is a little besides the point. We are really trying to get the members to be more missionary mindset because that is how the Lord wants to work to progress at this time. We have a wonderful ward mission leader. he is putting us to work with investigators and families. We have been presenting the families with family mission plans. Although it is putting the families in uncomfortable situations, i know they will be so blessed and find so much joy from it. We always need to be progressing. (2 Nephi 28:24) So my dear family i am committing all of you to go watch on lds.org under hastening the work of salvation the video is called "ill go where you want me to go" That is what every family should be doing to progress the work of the Lord. Okay i will stop preaching. :)
We had some wonderful lessons this week with our investigators. every lesson we taught this week in our area was with members which is so great. I also got to play soccer this week again with some non members and our investigators. My ward mission leader totally took me out and i have a big bruise hahah poor me. it was super funny though. Saturday night we had a lesson with this awesome family. they had Glenda come over who's son was baptized a while ago. he has really been struggling with anger problems and glenda is having a hard time. She is Methodist but she listened to our lesson and we watched the video "mountains to climb" on lds.org. That is also a wonderful video you should watch. the spirit was super strong and she received a priesthood blessing. I think often we take the power of the priesthood for granted. anyway it was a good night and although neither of them came to church, i think it was a huge step in the right direction. As long as we are on the Lords errand we cannot fail! :)
Sorry my emails are so lame. haha i love you all and miss you a lot. My thought for this week is 3 Nephi 19:25... I know that as we are doing what is right Christ countenance will smile upon us. I can't think of anything better than that. Always remember what is most important.
Love, Sister Page

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