Thursday, January 23, 2014

Dear Family,
Ya'll forgot about me... :( sad. I am just kidding I know its Tuesday. I hope it’s a happy Tuesday for everyone! So I honestly can't even remember what happened this week. I feel like so much happens in one week that no letter can do it justice so why try ha-ha but I will because I know mom would not be pleased with me so....
Monday evening we were able to find an investigator for the sisters in the YSA branch, here in Kearney. It is good because they have a hard time finding people.
Tuesday we started our day off with visiting a less active with the bishops wife. Her name is Doris, we have been working with her for a long time and she is slowly making progress. The miracle though is the bishop’s wife is starting to get really into reactivation. At first, she did not want to go out with us at all, but now she calls us. It is really neat. We just need to get more members out with us!
Wednesday we went to Grand Island for interviews with President. I had a very nice interview with him and he only rebuked me like three times ha-ha so that was nice. He is very inspired and I respect him a lot. He asked what I would think if the members were always providing people for us to teach and I said that would be amazing. He proceeded to tell me how in that situation I wouldn't learn what I needed to learn and it wouldn't be amazing. It is so true. I have learned so much in Kearney about how God wants His work to be done. Not only that but how the Church should be run and the responsibility we all have as members.
WE also had exchanges that day with the Grand Island sisters. One of them has been really struggling. Sister Call and I are literally doing all when can to keep her out here. She is such a wonderful missionary but we all have our struggles.
Thursday we had zone training. Sister Call and I trained on obedience. We talked a lot about Elder Oaks talk called "Love and Law" I am finally understanding how crucial obedience is not just as a missionary but in life. I know that God gives us these laws so we can become like Him. Commandments all come from His pure love. It went really well. That night we turned around and drove all the way to Kansas for exchanges. Those exchanges went really well.
Friday night as we were driving back to Kearney we were desperately trying to find an investigator to come with us to Kirsten’s baptism with us so we could go. We couldn't find anyone. I was praying very hard and I just felt at peace but didn’t know why. Shortly after we got a call and found out the baptism was off. WE are heartbroken but we know we followed the spirit in waiting for Kristen to be baptized. I know God is aware of everything that is going on. It is pretty awesome.
 I spoke is sacrament meeting on Preach my Gospel. You all better be using it in your family home evenings because I invited our entire ward to do so!
I love my family! Keep being amazing.
Love, Sister Page

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