Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Dear Weirdo's,
How is the snow? hahaha
This week we went on exchanges with Sister in Omaha. The Sister I spend the day wanted to focus on "not worrying about things that are out of her control." As always the Lord works in mysterious ways. It is kind of like how if you pray to have patience the Lord will test you patience. So basically all day no one was answering. They live in a super rich area and no one answers their doors because they live in "estates" whatever that means. Anyway we had all but one appointment cancel. She finally turned to me and said, " I think God tests us sometimes just to see if we will keep going." We just kept praying and with like 10 minutes left in the night we found this older lady and talked to her about the church. I know we needed to find her. I know Heavenly Father blesses us when we are diligent and obedient. It was neat.
This week Sister Larson and I saw many miracles. We had two investigators at church! We also set Ally for baptism. She wont be getting baptized till June but she is so ready!  
The General Womens Broadcast was amazing. Sister Larson and I were late because we were trying to go our investigator, Jackie, to come. She drove and followed us there and then last minute decided not to come in. It was so heartbreaking. She is very catholic and feels she is like going against everything she ever learned. As I sat in the broadcast I just couldn't help but be a little sad. There are so many women in the world that don't have the knowledge of their loving Heavenly Father and their divine potential. It seriously kills me. I was praying so hard to get someone there BUT the miracle was Jackie came to church the next day and loved it :) I totally talked her into coming back in the church to play volleyball with all the ladies in the relief society.. plus then I get to play too hahah
I am so excited for General Conference! I just pray we will be able to get investigators there! We are so blessed to have the opportunity to hear the testimonies of special witnesses of Christ. It reminds me of King Benjamin's address's he gave. He is such a stud. Mosiah 2:9, "Hearkin unto me, and open your ears that he may hear, and your hearts that ye may understand, and your minds that the mysteries of God may be unfolded to your view." I hope we are prepare well for General Conference this week. :)
So really guick funny Sister Page moment... I have been trying to talk to everyone I see. Now that it is getting warmer people are more outside! So, yesterday we were walking down the street and this man was sitting on his porch. I started talking to him and asking question, but his answers were really weird. My companion just whispered to me, " He is on the phone." haha I seriously had a conversation with this man and I didn't realize he was talking on the phone.. so embarrassing. Whatever. Something else that is funny. The church's here have like billboard bashes. haha I will send some pics next week. I should probably just stop talking because I am just saying stupid stuff now. haha
I love my family. Be good :)
Love, Sister Page

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