Thursday, September 18, 2014

My Dearest Family,
What is up? Sounds like things are going well in the Gentile world... hahaha
Things here are good! We had a very eventful week. I will start off with the bad news first... it is not really bad news but you get what I mean. So, Kris (our investigator) was doing so well. she was progressing and getting really excited to be baptized. Anyway, her parents found out and freaked out. Apparently they don't agree with Mormons and they gave her a lot of anti. It was really hard to see, but we knew Satan had to throw something at her because she was doing so well. She truly will be a kingdom builder one day. We haven't gotten to see her for two weeks :( we were really sad, but we finally got her to meet with us tonight. Please pray for her. It is really neat to see the ward getting involved too. They really liked her and could see her divine potential. This could be a huge step for our ward and build a lot of peoples faith in missionary work. I will keep you updated on her :)
Amy is doing so well. We had the most amazing experience with her this week. She took work off early on Friday and came to the temple with us. We walked around the temple and then went into this special waiting room that the missionaries can take their investigators into. We talked about the importance of the temple and making covenants with our loving Heavenly Father. Amy has truly changes so much. She knows she needs the Gospel and what is even more cool than that, she knows it because God told her, not just us. She is really working on quitting smoking, so pray for her too! She is getting baptized on September 27. I probably won't be here then, but that is okay. I am just so happy she has the Gospel.
It is also so neat to see the ward stepping up and doing missionary work. Before I came to Papillion my mission president said to me, "Is it better to convert a couple people to the gospel or convert the ward to missionary work?" I am not saying that I am the reason they are sharing the gospel but I am so grateful I have been apart of their missionary experiences. I know they will continue to share the gospel in the future. We had dinner with some members this week and they invited their friends over. We had an awesome lesson with them and the spirit was so strong. Their family is definitely looking for something in their life. We are really excited to have the opportunity to continue to teach them! Also, we ahd a ward party yesterday and a member came to us and said hey this guy has some questions. He was just some random guy who was at the park. We answered some of his questions it was so neat. He almost starting crying and asked us if we had anything to offer us for his salvation that no other church could offer. I have never had anyone say that to me before. the spirit was really strong. It made me think a lot... we truly do have everything someone needs in this life. We will be teaching him this week! They member who started talking to him at the park just recently returned to the church and he is on fire. It reminds me of what Elder Dallin H. Oaks once said,
"The intensity of our desire to share the gospel is a great indicator of the extent of our personal conversion."
Well I love you family! I hope you have a wonderful week! Be good :) like mom always says, "remember who you are and what you stand for."
Love, Sister Page

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