Thursday, December 4, 2014

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Well howdy ya'll?? (haha they don't even say that in Nebraska but they don't say anything cool so whatever)
Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving. I had like 6 thanksgiving dinners haha I am never eating again. ever.
We had a pretty great week. I really missed playing football thanksgiving morning though. President Weston banned it this year But that is okay. Thanksgiving morning we went and served food at the salvation army for a couple of hours. It was lots of fun. I only had three of the older guys ask me if I was married... haha I wasn't sure if I should lie or tell the truth. It was such a neat experience though.
This week I also got to go back to Kearney for exchanges! It was so wonderful to see everyone. I honestly felt like I had never left. I got to see old investigators and recent converts. It was so neat to bear my testimony to people I use to teach and commit them to do things they know they should be doing. You develop special relationships with people here and even if you leave for ten months and come back the relationship is still there. It was fun to see the versa and the cammacks too. I just love those families. The Vera's mentioned how much they enjoyed staying with the family. They said they learned how to be better family members by observing our family. It made my way happy to hear that.
So we have this really cool opportunity to share the new video the church put out called, "He is the gift." The video is on The church is getting really smart and wants this video to be shared with everyone! So share the link of Facebook. I have really enjoyed sharing it with people and helping us all remember to embrace the true gift of Christmas. I really feel like there is a family that I need to help all receive the gospel before I go home. I know this is the perfect time to bring the spirit of Christ into someone's home. Please pray Sister Taggart and I find this family. I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to help people be baptized, but I know I have more to do!! :)
Sister Trussel was a less active for a very long time and she has been coming back to church. We ended up having a thanksgiving dinner with her whole family. None of them are members and I asked Sister Trussels mom if we could teach her and she said yes. We were pretty excited. I know this is the Lords work. I know our Heavenly Father sent his Son so we could return and live with him again. I know families are forever. I am so excited to share that with others this Christmas. I invite you to do the same. I love you all. Have a wonderful week.
Love, Sister Page

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