Monday, July 29, 2013

First Letter From Mission

Hello family!
So it seems like forever since i have talked to you! I sure do miss you guys a lot! I don't know if you have heard from my mission president but I am serving in a little called kearney nebraska. My companions name is Sister Youngberg. She is 20 and is from American Fork. She is super nice and this is her third transfer in Nebraska so she is also pretty new.  So Wednesday and thursday we stayed in a hotel in omaha and went to the visitor center. It was awesome. I want to serve there so bad sometime on my mission! We also gave out some book of mormons on my first day which was scary but fun. Thursday night the President gave us a letter that told us where and with whom we would be serving with and we all got split up around the entire mission (sorta sad) So then Friday morning i drove in a van for four hours to KEARNEY! haha Kearney is a very small poor town. Us and one set of elders are the only missionaries around. The people her are very poor but very nice. Some of them are very set in there was though which is really hard. Seriously like there is a different church on every corner. So on friday i got to town and my companion and I went and painter this trailer house for five hours. We do a lot of service work here. It was pretty fun except i was exhausted and hadn't eaten all day but thats okay. Saturday we studied and did weekly planning all morning then did some more service. Then we went and visited less active members. We work a lot with less actives because we need to build the ward before baptizing people basically. It is really awesome but I want to meet the challenge from the president and have a baptism every week. I got very discouraged saturday night because we went and visited investigators and less actives and they all love to visit but dont want to talk about the church. Sunday was good! We went to church obviously and the ward has 400 members but there werent even 100 people there. It is very different than at home that is for sure. Everyone here is so humble and nice though i love it. We want to start getting members involved with missionary work so hopefully i can make friends fast. So the old bishop of this ward his name was Ryan Page and I guess he did something really bad and offended a bunch of people and then left town so everyone ask me if we are related hahaha it is sorta awkward even nonmembers know who he is. So that sorta makes things hard but i just laugh about it. I taught my first official lesson last night to a man named Allen he has two kids and lives in a trailor park. While we were teaching him his cats just crolled all over me and you all know how i hate that and im pretty sure i was sitting in cat pee but whatever feel free to laugh.He is coming out of a very dark place and the spirit was very strong. It is amazing how the Lord just puts words in your mouth. We also met this old man and his wife recently passed away so I hope we can help him find joy again through the gospel. We are going to visit him again soon. Yesterday we also went to dinner with this cute member family. They have two daughters and I seriously had to try so hard not to cry because it reminded me so much of me and tori. Sometimes sundays are hard because its family day  and I really miss you guys but things are going well and I am excited to get working. I love and miss my family so much and i will try and write some letters today! We don't get a lot of computer time. I know that the next couple weeks or months in kearney are going to be hard but i promise you i am happy and i love being a missionary.
Hoorah for Israel!
Love always, Sister Page
ps mom you didn't send me a pillow so i have been sleeping without one since i got here hahaha yes brit we know you didnt use one for two years in Nicaragua
pps I will get one at the store today but please send me letters!!! Also that book of mormon children book please and my red dixie hoodie and treats :) LOVE YOU ALL!

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