Monday, July 29, 2013

First Letter From MTC

Well hello my family! How's life going? I honestly have so much to say and so little time. First, I just want to say home much I love all your letters! I get the most letters out of all the people in my district! It is awesome! So thank you! So my district is pretty cool. There are six sisters and three elders going to Nebraska and then we also have three elders going to Alaska! I told them all how I colby served there and they are super excited! I lve my district they are all very fun. Most importantly I love my companion. Her name is Sister Courtney Dumont. She is 21 and basically just takes care of me. We are so much alike. Our personalities mix so well we just laugh like half the day. She is also very spiritual. We teach very well together. It is a lot of fun but most importantly haha she is super athletic. So we finally got our first gym time last saturday I believe and we played volleyball. It was so great to exercise i needed it so much. So sister Dumont and I were on different teams and someone set the ball like right above the net so we both went up to spike it (which technically is against the rules but of all the rules to break I think Heavenly Father is okay with this one) and we both hit the ball at the same time as hard as we could haha and we both like fell to the floor and everyone on the court stopped and went silent and then sister Dumont just was like love you andwe both just stared laughin it was awesome. She is really great and the Lord new exactly who i need to be with. Just so you know I am getting fat so no more fat jokes cause it is true hahaha Anyway the first couple nights were really hard. I don't know what my problem was. During the day i would be busy and feel the spirit and have lots of fun but then at night I would just get homesick i guess you could say and couldn't sleep. I was just really out of my comfort zone. I just needed to accept that my life is totally different and that its the Lords time not mine. In a way Krissy won't really excist for 18 months I am sister Page... sounds way stupid but its true. I am doing better and although somedays are still hard and discouraging I am learning so much. I honestly don't want to leave to MTC on the wednesday because I just don't feel ready. Our teachers are awesome though. They actually teach the teachers how to teach. So basically they are the best teachers I could have had. I love them so much. There names are sister Murphy and Sister Evans. Sister Evans acutally served in Nebraska. Which is way cool! Really though like everyone always tells us that we are so lucky becuase they are the best teachers at the MTC. It is awesome. they have taught me so much. The thing I struggle with most is listening to the spirit. I need to learn to say what the Lord wants me to say not what I want to say. I am trying really hard to learn how to teach to peoples hearts and not their minds but it is really hard. It is really easy to teach the gospel to the knowledge of investigators but teacing to their understanding and conversion is hard. BUT I am getting better at it. It is just a work in progress. As you probably already know the Lord has humbled me so I can learn to rely on Him. Anyway I love it. We teach like fake investigators. Sister Dumont and I have taught Christina and Barbara. It is really hard for me to love people when they are actresses so I always just pretent I am talking to Tori and then I can love them and I am sincre about it. Some lessons are great and some not so much but when the spirit is there I just love it. You guys know me though I am really hard on myself and I just need to realize that some things just take time :) I have also learned how important obediance is.. not that i am breaking rules just that the little things that you don't find important are and they will bring you blessings and miracles. Anyway I have seen so many friends and missionaries from Viewmont. It is so fun. I see Dani and Camrie all the time. We live in the same building so we will have short girl chats at night. I also saw the one the the Neberkers cousin and talked to him for a little. Then i went and sat down and told my fellow sisters how cute he was and all this stuff. Then I stood up to take my tray back and he was sitting right next to me.... hahhaah super embarressing but whatever. Anyway don't worry about me I am doing great. I love being a missionary. Sorry I dont' have a ton of time and so i am writing fast and probably spelling things wrong haha i dont' care. I love you all so much but more importantly Havenly Father and our Savior love you. Thanks for being to best family in the world. I miss you guys. I can't wait to hear from you soon. I will write you some letters. the Church is true!
Hoorah for Israel!!
Love, Sister Page <3

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