Monday, January 13, 2014

My Dearest Family,
I hope you all had a wonderful week! I can't believe it is 2014. Weird.
So this week was pretty much crazy. For the past couple of months we have been teaching this family from Columbia. They are so stinking cute, BUT they had some stupid people tell them all this anti stuff. I seriously am so sick of that but anyway... they stopped listening to us. Last Monday their daughter went into the hospital because of her appendix was going to rupture. By a miracle we found her in the hospital and were able to get her a priesthood blessing. I know that helped soften their hearts. It was so amazing. Tuesday I went and saw Betty and gave her Christmas present to her. She really loved it. She said she is not giving up on being baptized. It was really good to hear that. Wednesday I gave training in District meeting and I was so blessed. Heavenly Father helped me out a lot. We ended up going on two exchanges this last week. They both were so amazing. We went with the Spanish sisters and I was a little worried because I brought one of them into my area. She has been out a lot longer than me and I was supposed to help her and be an example to her. I said a lot of prayers that day. I just expressed to her my love for her and helped her set some goals. Heavenly Father helped me out a lot to know what she needed to hear. Every day this week we taught Kirsten because she is getting baptized this week. I hope so bad that I don't get transferred on Friday. She is doing so amazing. The ward is so against missionary work right now because of some bad experiences. Kirsten went up and bore her testimony all on her own. It was so powerful because she was found through a member and she is getting baptized. It was probably the best moment on my entire mission. She did so well. The spirit was incredible. I know her testimony touched many hearts. She is trying so hard to be the person Heavenly Father wants her to be. I love her so much. She even asked me to give a talk at her baptism. I hope I am there. It was such a miracle. I know Heavenly Father answers prayers. We are so blessed when we are obedient. I know that Heavenly Father's way is always the best way. Even though we are doing His work, we won't be successful unless we do it His way. No matter how much we tract and try to find people, our success is going to be from the members because that is how Heavenly Father wants it. So family you all better be doing missionary work.   Jacob 1:19. I love you all.

Love, Sister Page

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