Monday, January 13, 2014

Well I will be honest this week was pretty hard... but I learned a lot! Kirsten’s baptism was all set and I was pretty excited. She then got news that she was accepted into the College in North Platte. She started school today so she had to move this last weekend. She was still planning on being baptized in Kearney and then moving Saturday evening. Sister Call and I did not feel good about it. We met with her and our ward mission leader. We all discussed what would be best and prayed about it. We felt she needed to wait and get baptized in North Platte. Sister Call and I were blessed to have one more lesson with her. We decided to share with her about how important it is to live the gospel. We shared with her Mosiah 5:12. We talked about how living the gospel is the best way to know her savior. We basically just bore our guts out to her in desperation haha the spirit was super strong though. We also showed her the Mormon message mountains to climb. It was probably the most powerful lesson I have been blessed to be a part of. The only thing we can do now is just pray that she will remember the spirit testifying to her and desire to have the spirit with her always. She is most likely getting baptized this weekend and we are trying to get permission to attend. One thing that was really cool about it though is the sisters who will now be teaching her in North Platte are under our stewardship and they have been struggling a lot. Sister Call and I have been praying to know how we can help them. I think that teaching Kirsten will really inspire them to work harder and desire that for more people. It is crazy how God totally knows what He is doing. haha :)
It is pretty crazy to think that I only have one year left on the mission... President asked us to make goals for 2014... I have really been praying to find out what God's vision is for me by the end of my mission. It is hard to know what smaller, specific goals to set to reach His vision.
After the whole experience with Kirsten Sister Call and I worked really hard trying to find and teach. We had great lessons with less actives and investigators and sadly no one came to church. I was sitting there feeling sorry for myself (haha totally pathetic) and I just kept thinking that it is never enough. I then realized that it was never enough for Christ until he died for us. People rejected Him and in the Garden He knew He needed to do God's will but even Christ asked if there was another way. I know that even though sometimes I wish there was another way... that God's way is the only way we can become like Him. I honestly don't know why I am sharing that with you but I just felt the need to. I am grateful God let me see miracles this week for instance, members willing to come out with us and we found a part member family who no one has met. Life is good. :) I love being a missionary.
I love you family. Be good and remember what is most important in life.

Love, Sister Page

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