Thursday, January 15, 2015

Dear Family,
Lets try that again haha This is meant to be funny not depressing... :)
So here are my 7 stages of grief for leaving my mission...
1.SHOCK AND DENIAL. Everyone keeps talking about it and I just can't accept it yet. An Elder in our ward is also going home at the same time and whenever people talk about missionaries going home I just throw him under the bus and say he is so no one talks about me going home. haha I am feeling very loved though because members and nonmembers are all making a big deal about me going. They love me :)
2. PAIN AND GUILT. So sometimes I really get sad. For instance, every morning we have personal study and then companionship study. We typically share with each other what we learned in our personal study. I finished telling her about my happy, faith filled personal study and so it was her turn. All she said was, "I read a talk by President Monson called our wonderful journey home.." and I started bawling. hahahaha pretty pathetic huh?
3. ANGER AND BARGAINING. I was so angry the other day I ate a whole plate of brownies and then turned around and ate a big bag of peanut MMs.. I don't even like those things! haha they are going to have to like role me onto the plane...
4. DEPRESSION. The adversary is working really hard on our investigators and it makes me very upset. So I ate some chocolate chip cookies hahaha
5. UPWARD TURN. 2 Nephi 10:23 I finally realized that it is my decision whether to be happy or not. :)
6. RECONSTRUCTION. Not sure what that means but I finally got to go running this morning because they weather wasn't below freezing. It was awesome. That sounds reconstruction like :)
7. HOPE. So I have known my whole mission that my last transfer was going to be really important. I have always had those feelings. I always thought that it would be because people would be really prepared and I would be able to help them into the waters of baptism. Which this is true, but I realized this week it is important for another reason. I will be honest this transfer has been hard and I know this next week isn't going to be super easy but I have learned so much. I have really come to understand why I am here at this time. I sure love the people here and all I want to do is help the feel of God's love and understand why living the Gospel is what is best for them.
I have felt very strongly about working with Brother Shears. I know he will be baptized one dayand hopefully it will be soon. We had an amazing lesson with him yesterday about the Atonement and then this morning he found out some very sad news. It is really neat to realized Heavenly Father knows what is up and it is ever cooler when he allows you to be an instrument in his hands. Please pray for him and his wife.
I know this is all part of God's plan. It is not what I would have originally asked for but I know things will work out for our good.  
I love being a missionary,I love Nebraska and most importantly I love my Heavenly Father and Savior. They live. I know they do. Hopefully I will get to email next but if not. I love you all. The Gospel is so important. Don't ever forget it. Thank you mom and dad for giving me this wonderful opportunity.
Love, Sister Page.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Leaving it all out on the field

Dear Family,
We found our family! :) Well they were right in front of us the entire time. Actually we are working with a couple families. Well we have been working with a couple part ember families this whole time and they are slowly progress.. but they are progressing! I have just fallen in love with some of these families and I know I will be close to them forever! I may not be here when they get baptized but I have been praying a lot about that and I know everything will be okay. I finally was able to turn everything over to the Lord this last week and I just feel at peace. I know these feelings of peace and hope only come form the Atonement of Jesus Christ. How incredibly amazing that is. Heavenly Father knows me way too well. He knows exactly what I need and when I need it.  Sister Page often has a different idea... but what is new. He know best. We just need to pray to know His plan! Anyway.. I will stop preaching.
So some updates on people we are working with people. So, We have been praying really hard that Sara's dad will give her permission to be baptized. I know this will totally change her families life. Her mom, Amber is doing really well but I think Sara being baptized will really seal the deal for her staying active. She was inactive for ten years unitl like 4 months ago! I think her husband knows that if Sara gets baptized then church will be a big part in their lives from now on. It scares him. That is okay though. WE just wanted to sit down and talk to him, but he kept avoiding us. Finally I just walked downstairs to talk to him and he totally hid in the other room. So we went back upstairs taught Sara the word or wisdom and law of chastity and were about to head on our way. As we were leaving I just felt so strongly that we needed to talk to him tonight so I just said, "I am not leaving until I talk to him." So finally Amber went and talked him into talking with us. He was so nice! We just got to know him a little and then talked to him about Sara being baptized. I totally respect that he is her dad and whatever he decides is his decision, but I just wanted him to know what he was making a decision about. It went really well. AS I was talking with him I had an overwhelming feeling that he would be baptized one day. It was really neat. He didn't give us an answer but I know it softened his heart a little. The next day Sister Taggart, Sara, and Amber and I fasted and prayed together. What a wonderful faith building experience for all of us. On a funny note Amber told us later that at their families New years eve party they were having sparkling cider and Sara thought it was alcohol she starting crying and said, "stop drinking that! It is against the law of chastity!" hahaha woops we probably should go over that a little with her. :) we love her so much.
 Maggie is still set for baptism but she got super sick this week. She was in the hospital for a couple days. She didn't make it to church yesterday so she won't be able to be baptized before I go. Sometimes you wonder why things happen the way they do, but I know everything will work out!
So the family we found is Raquel and Sam. We had met them a while ago but they have been avoiding us for some time now. WE finally caught them at home and since it was below 0 outside they let us in. They finally expressed to us their concerns and we were able to resolve all of them. Lets just say I hate the show "sister wives." they are excited to get more involved and I feel very strongly they will be baptized one day. God is so good! :)
I have to go but I love you all. Be good and remember Heavenly Father loves you! He has a plan for all of us!
I am excited to work hard these next couple of weeks and LEAVE IT ALL OUT ON THE FIELD. If I have learned one thing from sports it would be that you give it all until the very end.
Love, Sister Page

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Dear Family,
What is up??? it was so good to see all your shinning faces. I feel bad because going into talking with the family I had so much to tell you and ask but then it all my brain right when I see you. That is okay though. I did want to apologize. I loved everything I got sent for Christmas. I had a wonderful Christmas and wouldn't change a thing. When I was thinking about it I realized I seemed like a total brat and I was just kidding. I am very grateful to have a wonderful family who doesn't forget about me over the Christmas time!!!
So I already told you a lot about our week but I still have more :) Tuesday night a bunch of us missionaries went caroling. We literally just knocked on random doors and sung to them. Then we would give them a "He is the Gift" card. It was lots of fun! I was very surprised at the response of the people. It was a very cold night but most of them would come outside and listen and then thank us. This one house me and another sister went up and knocked the door and as we were walking back to the group to sing this man answered the door with nothing on... haha dad you asked me over Skype what the scariest thing I have ever experienced on my mission.. I think that was it hahahaha I wish I could say that was the first time that has happened to me out here... Other than that it was a fun night!
Sister Taggart and I have been trying to be as positive as possible. I know that negativity destroys faith. We definitely don't want to do that. This week we had many appointments fall through, which is not a surprise because of the Christmas week. We also had some investigators drop us BUT Sister T and I were not going to let that get us down. We just kept praying and working. Last night we had an awesome lesson with this lady named Maggie. She is incredible. I think I have mentioned her. We taught her the plan of salvation and asked her if she had prayed about the Book of Mormon and been thinking about being baptized. She said yes but wasn't sure if she was ready yet. I had a very strong feeling to talk to her about setting a date. She said she feels that one of us is leaving so soon she needs to be baptized before I go. I was completely shocked. It was awesome. So we set her for the 17th! She has many things to overcome and obviously if she isn't ready at that date I won't force it but she can totally do it! Please pray for Maggie.
I am so excited to make these next few weeks the most hard working, miraculous, fun time of my mission. I was listening to Called to Serve this morning and I am just so grateful to be serving Him right now.
"Are you going to faulter or finish?" I AM GOING TO FINSH!
Love you all. Be good.
Love, Sister Page

Monday, December 22, 2014

My dear family and friends,
Want to hear something funny? I sang in church yesterday? Want to hear something even funnier? I was suppose to sing with Sister Taggart, but she lost her voice. hahaha
We had a wonderful Christmas program yesterday. We committed SO many people to come to church.. like probably 20. Only three came hahaha it was awesome! That just means we have to commit 100 people to come and then we will have a good amount show up :) It was a good day though. I sure love Christmas. Here is my Christmas message for today I read this talk this morning and I wanted to share part of it with you..
President Benson said that one of the greatest things about Christmastime is that it increases our sensitivity to things of God:
“It causes us to contemplate our relationship with our Father and the degree of devotion we have for God.
“It prompts us to be more tolerant and giving, more conscious of others, more generous and genuine, more filled with hope and charity and love—all Christlike attributes. No wonder the spirit of Christmas touches the hearts of people the world over. For at least a time, increased attention and devotion are turned toward our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”2
This Christmas, as the spirit of the season permeates our hearts, let us do something that expresses our feelings in an outward way, showing that we understand that the babe born in Bethlehem is the real Redeemer. President Howard W. Hunter (1907–95) gave some practical advice that helps us do that:
“This Christmas, mend a quarrel. Seek out a forgotten friend. Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust. Write a letter. Give a soft answer. Encourage youth. Manifest your loyalty in word and deed. Keep a promise. Forgo a grudge. Forgive an enemy. Apologize. Try to understand. Examine your demands on others. Think first of someone else. Be kind. Be gentle. Laugh a little more. Express your gratitude. Welcome a stranger. Gladden the heart of a child. Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth. Speak your love and then speak it again.”3
Without Christ, there would be no Christmas. Without Christ, there can be no fulness of joy. Without His birth and His Atonement, we would have no Intercessor, no Advocate with the Father, and no Mediator who makes it possible for us to return to the presence of our loving Heavenly Father and live together as eternal families.
I celebrate with you the beautiful and miraculous reality of the birth and mission of the Son of God, and I bear my testimony that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer—the promised Messiah.
WE had an AMAZING zone conference this week. I learned so much. we had a gift exchanged and some elder gave me toilet paper... hahha elders are so dumb. At least my gift will come in handy one day unlike other random things people gave. At the end of the zone conference President gave time for people to share their testimonies. Me and two other sister who are leaving this transfer went up. I was grateful for the opportunity to share with my mission family that I know my savior lives. I am grateful that I not only believe in Him, but I can now say that I know him. 
WE had some neat experiences this week. WE finally were able to have a lesson with this amazing girl named Maggie. We taught her the Restoration and set her for baptism. We taught her part of the lesson in the chapel and the spirit was so strong. She has had a hard passed and needs the gospel. She started crying when we talked about the blessings of the Gospel. I know the spirit touched her heart. She has many things to ever come but I know she can do it, if she relies on the savior.
We were so excited because one of the people who came to church yesterday was brother Shears. He isn't a member but his heart is totally being softened. Please pray for him. He is an incredible guy. He told his wife the other day that he just feels good when we come over. She told said to him, "well yeah, it is the spirit." haha they are a cute couple and I know one day brother Shears will be baptized.
So I am finally learning that I can't do this all on my own. I know I need to trust in the Lord because this is HIs work but it is hard to know how we show our trust in him. I realized today that all we need to do is be obedient and be happy and that is how we show we trust him.
I love you all. Have a wonderful Christmas!!!
Love, Sister Page

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Dear Family,
It sounds like you all had a pretty epic week.... well so did I! haha take that :) just kidding.
I am happy to say that I did get to stay in Grand Island! I only had to threated a couple people... just kidding but we did pray a lot. It made us feel really good that so many people here were praying that Sister Taggart and I got to stay. Prayer works everybody!!
I feel like so many things have happened this week and you all know I don't write super long emails so I will try :)
Sister Taggart and I felt we needed to start up a game night so we could get people into the church through a non threatening way. We finally got it all set up. We did it Thursday. We got one less active there and three investigators. It was great. We played apples to apples and yes I won haha it was a good night though. It is just so important to helped investigators get friends who are members. I was so grateful it all worked out, because you know me I can get a little stressed sometimes haha
So, for the passed couple of weeks I have been super stressed and maybe a little anxious because I know my time is running out and there are just so many things I feel I need to accomplish. I have been praying a lot. Saturday morning I had a wonderful study and realized that I just need to do my best and hand the rest over to the Lord. I studied Psalm 37:3-7 I felt so much better! Then everything that could go wrong went wrong. We had three appointments cancel that day. Then someone was very rude and disrespectful to me and I finally just broke. I was super confused that I was doing what was right and was trying to act in faith and then everything fell apart. I got down on my knees and prayed. The spirit brought to my remembrance about 6 months ago a sister called me because she was very discouraged and depressed. She was having a really hard time feeling and following the spirit. The expressed how she just felt the adversary working so hard on her. I talked to her that day about the first vision. Random I know. We talked about how Joseph Smith was doing the right thing by asking the Lord in faith but the adversary did all he could to stop him. After Joseph Smith over came the adversaries attack that is when one of the most important miracles of all time happened. I know the adversary works the hardest right before incredible things happen. We just can't give in. I decided to take my own advice. I felt I needed to get a priesthood blessing. So, I humbled myself and called a member of our ward. It was an incredible blessing and after we were able to feel at peace and get our and work. The next day, Sunday, was an amazing day. We had two investigators at church, we got a new investigator and we had an awesome lesson with a less active. Righteousness is and will always be more powerful than wickedness.
I love you all. If you feel the adversary working really hard on you right now just don't give up because Heavenly Father has amazing plans for you.
Love, Sister Page

Monday, December 8, 2014

HAPPY MONDAY EVERYONE!! I hope you all had a wonderful week. Today it is 55 degrees outside. I love it... don't worry though tomorrow it will be -10 that is just how it works here. haha
Sister Taggart and I had a wonderful week. We have been working a lot with The Baker family. The mom is a member and non of the kids are. They have had a really hard life. Imagine like the worst possible scenario and that is probably it. They have come so far though. We have been having some really good lessons with their family. Us and the elders are teaming up to work with them and it is going really well. They all came to church yesterday. It was a miracle. We also had the Tweeten family there. It was a great day.
This week we really focused on getting people to our ward Christmas party. We had many part member families there and a couple of investigators. The Lord is truly blessing us. One of our investigators, names Verlon, he is married to a member. WE had an amazing lesson with him about the Book of Mormon and he is totally reading it. But anyway he played Santa Claus at the party! How cool is that? He will be baptized one day no doubt. After the party we had dinner that night with a member family in our ward. We were talking to them about how awesome Verlon is. Then me being the stupid sister missionary i am said, "yeah wasn't that cool how he played Santa Claus for the party?" Then their youngest started like crying and they other one was like, "what do you mean he played Santa Claus??" So basically i ruined everything for those little kids. I am going to be the worst mom ever. hahaha Anyway it was ever all a really good day.
Rumor has it that Sister Taggart and I are both leaving this week at transfers. If that happens i will really be sad. I have learned a lot about prayer this week though. I know that everything will happen the way the Lord has planned. I am so grateful for the Holy ghost which the Father sends the comfort us. I know that prayer is how we, like in the Christmas video, "embrace The Gift." I am looking forward to getting to know my Savior even more this wonderful season. I shared my testimony yesterday in Sacrament meeting and talked a little about our gifts to the Savior. I invite you to really think and pray this year about what He would have you give.
I love you all so much. Have a wonderful week and don't forget the share "The Gift" with others. 
Love Sister Page

Thursday, December 4, 2014

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Well howdy ya'll?? (haha they don't even say that in Nebraska but they don't say anything cool so whatever)
Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving. I had like 6 thanksgiving dinners haha I am never eating again. ever.
We had a pretty great week. I really missed playing football thanksgiving morning though. President Weston banned it this year But that is okay. Thanksgiving morning we went and served food at the salvation army for a couple of hours. It was lots of fun. I only had three of the older guys ask me if I was married... haha I wasn't sure if I should lie or tell the truth. It was such a neat experience though.
This week I also got to go back to Kearney for exchanges! It was so wonderful to see everyone. I honestly felt like I had never left. I got to see old investigators and recent converts. It was so neat to bear my testimony to people I use to teach and commit them to do things they know they should be doing. You develop special relationships with people here and even if you leave for ten months and come back the relationship is still there. It was fun to see the versa and the cammacks too. I just love those families. The Vera's mentioned how much they enjoyed staying with the family. They said they learned how to be better family members by observing our family. It made my way happy to hear that.
So we have this really cool opportunity to share the new video the church put out called, "He is the gift." The video is on The church is getting really smart and wants this video to be shared with everyone! So share the link of Facebook. I have really enjoyed sharing it with people and helping us all remember to embrace the true gift of Christmas. I really feel like there is a family that I need to help all receive the gospel before I go home. I know this is the perfect time to bring the spirit of Christ into someone's home. Please pray Sister Taggart and I find this family. I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to help people be baptized, but I know I have more to do!! :)
Sister Trussel was a less active for a very long time and she has been coming back to church. We ended up having a thanksgiving dinner with her whole family. None of them are members and I asked Sister Trussels mom if we could teach her and she said yes. We were pretty excited. I know this is the Lords work. I know our Heavenly Father sent his Son so we could return and live with him again. I know families are forever. I am so excited to share that with others this Christmas. I invite you to do the same. I love you all. Have a wonderful week.
Love, Sister Page