Monday, September 23, 2013

 Monday we went and played tennis with Alex, the recent convert, haha he such a cute kid and terrible at tennis haha but it was so fun. He really is SO much happier than he was when I first met him. It is kind of crazy that he was one of the first lessons I had when I got to Kearney and that lesson I invited him to be baptized and now he is. It is awesome.
Tuesday as always we went on exchanges. We went to Grand Island. We got to do some service at this really cool art museum. I have never really been to a museum like that. It reminded me of Tyler cause everything was so creative. That night we went and did more service for a member. They live on a private lake.... they had us picking weeds on the private was torture. It was an adventure though I felt something in my hair so I like felt my head and got stung by a bee and my finger swelled all up. I have always wondered if I was allergic to bee's haha I'm not. Then I started to itch way bad and my arm was breaking out. I now know what poison ivy looks like. Then we got to fish for a couple minutes which was pretty fun! I am glad I was taught how to fish because some of the sisters had no idea..haha. Thanks Dad.
Wednesday we taught some awesome lessons. We met this guy named Jason and he had so many questions which I love. He gave us his number and we are going back this week. We also went back to where we use to live and visited our stalker. (Tyler you are in so much trouble for telling them) We talked to him for a little outside and told him we moved across town. We gave him a Book of Mormon and then we got out of there haha.
Thursday we visited a lot of less active ladies. Connie is my favorite and she hasn't been to church in years. She is so nice and I really love her. She is excited for General Conference and I really think that will help her come around.
Friday we visited Betty. I am so discouraged because she is so old that every time we go teach her she forgot what we taught her last time. She has such a special spirit and she wants to be baptized. It is just that every week we have to explain to her why her baptism when she was little wasn't by the authority of God. So I just don't even know what to do about that. She loves us and I love visiting her because she is lonely and she wants to know more about everything. It is just hard cause she is old. We are starting to teach Alex's mom! She was very touched at his baptism and she said she would read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. To be honest I know she knows it is true. BUT we are teaching her this week and I really think she is starting to make an effort. We just need to help her feel the spirit more :)
Saturday was rough. Its football season everyone and every single person in Nebraska is a Huskers fan. It is so ridiculous. NO one will talk to us on Saturdays. So we just end up visiting old ladies who are less active. We will figure out some how to be more productive on Saturdays. Also the Book of Mormon musical is coming to Omaha....which is going to be hard but we will make the best out of the situations. Some problems can be gold mines :)
Sunday was a little disappointing we should have had like 8 investigators/less actives there, and only one showed. It is the worst. My talk went well. I spoke with the mission president which was sorta scary at first but Heavenly Father definitely blessed me. It went a lot better than I deserved. I talked about the Brother of Jared. He is my favorite. If the Lord wouldn't have tried the brother of Jared's faith then he wouldn't have had the opportunity to exercise his Faith which resulted in seeing the Lord face to face. I think a lot of times we wonder why if we are doing what is right why things are still hard but I know it is because the Lord is trying our faith so we can become stronger. Read Ether 4:7 I pretty much just love that story.
Well sorry that was sorta boring but I love my family. I miss you all but I promise my whole heart is in the work. Your letters don't make me lose my focus :)
The church is true. I love you all. Be good.
Love, Sister Page

Monday, September 16, 2013

Well another wonderful week in Kearney haha. Tuesday we had exchanges in Holdredge. The sisters there have been struggling a lot with many things. It was such a great day. We sat and talked with each of them separately and helped them figure some things out. Then we went to work. Last transfer when I went on exchanges with Holdredge we found this lady who was so awesome and we taught her a little and committed her to read the Book of Mormon. I guess ever since then the sisters haven't been able to teach her again. So I went with one of the sisters back to their house. Right when we pulled up her husband came outside. We knew that he wasn't really interested so we decided to try back later when he wasn't home. For some reason I was so scared to talk to him like more scared than I ever have been. The spirit just kept telling me to go knock on the door haha so finally we did. He came outside and we taught him the entire restoration. He had many questions haha most I had no clue what the answer was but some how the spirit guided the conversation. It was awesome. I wish I could continue teaching their family but I know that they are a huge blessing for the sisters in Holdredge.
Wednesday we had district meeting and I had an interview with president. I am starting to not be so intimidated and scared of him haha so that is good. He really has high hopes for Kearney and really wants us to focus on teaching the members to be missionaries.
Thursday we went to Omaha! haha again.... but it was awesome the leadership meeting was on Friday and I am so blessed to be apart of those. I always learn lots. Also my mtc companion was there because her companion was just made a sister training leader. It was such a blessing to see Sister Dumont.. Heavenly Father loves me :)
Saturday was probably the best day of my mission thus far but the most stressful too! We had a stake women's conference on teaching the ladies to be member missionaries. President Carter had us help teach his training. It went really well. We got a less active to come and she hasn't been to church in years! She said she has decided to come back to church! it was awesome. Then we had our baptism that evening! I was basically freaking out cause it was like five minutes until the baptism and no one was there.... but of course it all ended up working out. Alex's entire family came from out of town. None of them are members so it was awesome. When he came up out of the water he just started crying and just held onto Brother Smith(his young men's leader who baptized him) I have never seen Alex get emotional. he said it was the happiest moment of his life. The spirit was so strong and his mom was even crying. Couldn't have asked for a better experience for Alex and his family. It was wonderful :)
Saturday he was confirmed and he is doing awesome. I really think it made a huge impact on his mom. We are teaching her this week. we also taught Desirae yesterday. She is 20 and has two kids. Her husband just cheated on her and she is like all alone. She is such an awesome girl. We taught her the entire first lesson and asked her to be baptised. She said yes :) She is an amazing person and i hope and pray she will take this path for her family.
Well I really love my family and miss you so much. I want you for family home evening tonight to read "His Grace is Sufficient" by brad Wilcox its in the September ensign. Read it and apply it. haha please. I love you all. You are always in my prayers. I hope you all feel better and have a wonderful week.
Love, Sister Page
PS TELL ANDREA I SAW HER AUNT AT THE STAKE WOMEN'S CONFERENCE!!! SHE IS AWESOME AND CRAZY AND I LOVE HER!!!! such a tender mercy. (she is the lady in the picture with the green)

Monday, September 9, 2013

Dear people,
I feel like I have so much to tell you and so little time. So we moved in with the Cammacks this week! They are awesome. They have one daughter still at home, she is a senior in high school. They are a really cool family. They treat us so well and there house is so nice. We basically have the basement all to ourselves and like a walk in closet and stuff haha its great. So, this week was transfers! We got another set of missionaries for the YSA branch! Also a set of Elders to share the ward with us. Pretty crazy. Everything is changing. There hasn't been six missionaries in Kearney in like 10 years. We are about to make some awesome things happen. The hard part is I have been praying and praying to find more people to teach and the Lord totally blessed us these last two weeks to find people prepared but we had to give like all of them to the Elders... whatever I'm over it. As long as the people we found are coming unto Christ i guess it is okay ;) but seriously these Elders are hard workers and I know Kearney is about to see many miracles. Speaking of miracles we have a baptism this week!!!!! Wahoo :) My fist baptism. Alex(the 14 yr old boy) is getting baptized this Saturday at 5. I am so excited. I feel like he is my little brother. I am so protective over time. The other day we went to his house and his mom just broke down and told us how he is a terrible kid and she can't wait til he is 18. It was so sad because he isn't a terrible kid. He has really been trying and his mom works all day and doesn't take care of him. She also doesn't want him in public school so he is home schooling himself. Anyway I basically just called her to repentance and told her if she wants blessings and wants her family to grow in unity then she needs to follow the example of her son. We will keep working on her.  Don't worry I wasn't a brat about it.
Wednesday we had an awesome district meeting. Since transfers were this week we know there would be lots of changes made so we had a testimony meeting in the chapel just with our district. Probably one of the top ten spiritual experiences I have ever had. That evening we had dinner with 
one of my favorite members. They both served missions and met each other playing soccer after their missions. So duh we just clicked. They are very helpful when it comes to member missionary work. We met with Betty White that night. It is so hard because she knows it is true and she wants to be baptized but she is way old and sick and her son is Jehovah Witness... yeah. I love her so much. I seriously think of her as my grandma.
Thursday we moved and then we had a relief society activity and we got some less actives sisters there! It was wonderful :)
Friday was transfers and was pretty crazy. We found this lady and taught her the restoration and invited her to be baptized. It was awesome haha and then ten minutes after we left the new elders found her. So they get her.... BUT it just shows you how the Lord really is guiding His work.
Saturday We walked Alex to the bishops house so that Sunday mornings he walks there and then they will give him a ride. He really is showing that he wants to be apart of this church. I am so proud of him. That night we had dinner with members and they have cattle and horses and chickens and where they live is just a bunch of rolling hills of corn. It is so pretty. I took some pictures but I left my camera in the car so I will send them next week. it was so fun to help the family out on their ranch. It reminded me of playing on Grandpa's farm. I miss that.
The best part of Sunday was we gave a church tour to this lady and had a wonderful lesson with her. She is coming to the baptism and church this week! :) I don't know why we haven't done that more because the spirit is so strong in the chapel.
On September 22 our mission president is coming to Kearney to speak in our ward haha and they asked me to speak with him. Such a disaster. I am excited though. Will you send me my talk from stake conference and my farewell talk? They are both on my laptop. Thanks:)
Scripture of the week is Helaman 5:12 I love how its says if we build our foundation on Christ we CANNOT fall. It doesn't say we wont' it says we can't as in it is not possible. I know that is true!
I love you all!
Love, Sister Page
Also my new address is
1109 E 66th St Place
Kearney, NE 68847

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September 3 2013
My dear family,
Sounds like things are going well although I wish you would give me a better play by play on tori's games. That is so awesome. I am so proud of my sister. Dad, if you think you were sad to miss it think how I feel... :( Anyway I have a pretty awesome family.
First off that lady that called from Centerville is the wife of a General Authority who spoke in conference and they came for a mission tour to Nebraska. I don't think you all realize how special that was of her to call you. Once a year we get a General Authority to come to our mission. That is why I was so busy this last week. Elder Robbins from the seventy came and trained our mission. It was awesome. When they found out I was from Centerville they said they would send you my love which is such a tender mercy from Heavenly Father, I hope you realize that. It was a long hard week, but amazing.
Monday night we headed to North Platte for exchanges the next day, that is like a hour and a half drive west of Kearney.
Tuesday was a good day, we had exchanges with the sisters there. One of the sisters is 33 and is a high school English teacher... pretty cool. Those sister are doing pretty well. On exchanges we visited this lady, her and her husband are chain smokers... I never realized exactly what that meant until I went into her house. I honestly could not breath it was so bad. We were only there for like 10 minutes and when we left I smelled just like a smoker. haha We sprayed ourselves down with fabreeze and normally I would be against that cause its weird ha but it was worth it. That night we went to Omaha which was like a 5 hour drive.
Wednesday was sister Youngberg's leadership meeting with Elder Robbins. It was so awesome. I am so lucky to get to go to all these trainings. I am the youngest by far haha it is great. Most everyone has been out a year or so. That afternoon we drove all the way home and we went to visit this new investigator and accidently went to the wrong apartment. We ended up teach this guy the entire restoration and giving him a Book of Mormon. 
     Thursday was our first day last week in our area!!! We visited many people, Betty the old lady who is set for baptism was so excited to go to church. She is so fun to teach because she is so humble and wants to feel the spirit. Alex( the 14 year old) has his baptism on the 14 of this month. He is getting really excited for his baptism it is so fun to watch. That night we drove to Lincoln for the normal missionary training by Elder Robbins. My companion and I ended up having to split up and I had to drive the entire way. It really wasn't a big deal except I havn't driven in two months and I am not familiar with Lincoln at all. It was an adventure.
      Friday Sister Youngberg played her Cello for the meeting, she did a wonderful job. I got to see my MTC companion sister Dumont, her grandpa died a couple days ago and she is very sad. It was really good to see her though. We drove back to Kearney that night.
      Saturday we went and visited less actives, then went to go teach Alex. When we got there His mom was crying and she just vented to us about how Alex is not a good kid. Its so sad because she works full time and Alex homeschools himself. She knows she should be getting baptized with Alex but she is stubborn. I know that Alex has changed is so many good ways since we have taught him to gospel I just hope she realizes it. Heavenly Father definitely is humbling her though.
Sunday is always awesome. Ward council actually was productive and the ward is starting to acknowledge our hard work. That night we taught Glenda, it was so awesome. She is the one who we ended up teaching because we needed a female because we were teaching his son. We asked her to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it and we asked if she came to know that it was true if she would be baptized and she said yes! We are teaching her again this week! wahoo :)
There was a visitor in church yesterday who knows grandpa Larry :) his name is Dennis Riley and he worked with grandpa. It was such a tender mercy to sit and talk to him yesterday.
Well that was my week sorry it sounds so boring hahaha but we will be moving on Thursday into a members home, and word on the street is we will have new elders in our apartment but we won't know until after transfers, which are Friday. I have been here a whole transfer... crazy.
Please pray for Camille's brother Trevor. I am sure you know but he is getting heart surgery today.
My thought for the week is Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." His Grace is sufficient, it is not the light at the end of the tunnel but the light that moves us through the tunnel.
I love my family so much.
Love, Sister Page