Monday, September 16, 2013

Well another wonderful week in Kearney haha. Tuesday we had exchanges in Holdredge. The sisters there have been struggling a lot with many things. It was such a great day. We sat and talked with each of them separately and helped them figure some things out. Then we went to work. Last transfer when I went on exchanges with Holdredge we found this lady who was so awesome and we taught her a little and committed her to read the Book of Mormon. I guess ever since then the sisters haven't been able to teach her again. So I went with one of the sisters back to their house. Right when we pulled up her husband came outside. We knew that he wasn't really interested so we decided to try back later when he wasn't home. For some reason I was so scared to talk to him like more scared than I ever have been. The spirit just kept telling me to go knock on the door haha so finally we did. He came outside and we taught him the entire restoration. He had many questions haha most I had no clue what the answer was but some how the spirit guided the conversation. It was awesome. I wish I could continue teaching their family but I know that they are a huge blessing for the sisters in Holdredge.
Wednesday we had district meeting and I had an interview with president. I am starting to not be so intimidated and scared of him haha so that is good. He really has high hopes for Kearney and really wants us to focus on teaching the members to be missionaries.
Thursday we went to Omaha! haha again.... but it was awesome the leadership meeting was on Friday and I am so blessed to be apart of those. I always learn lots. Also my mtc companion was there because her companion was just made a sister training leader. It was such a blessing to see Sister Dumont.. Heavenly Father loves me :)
Saturday was probably the best day of my mission thus far but the most stressful too! We had a stake women's conference on teaching the ladies to be member missionaries. President Carter had us help teach his training. It went really well. We got a less active to come and she hasn't been to church in years! She said she has decided to come back to church! it was awesome. Then we had our baptism that evening! I was basically freaking out cause it was like five minutes until the baptism and no one was there.... but of course it all ended up working out. Alex's entire family came from out of town. None of them are members so it was awesome. When he came up out of the water he just started crying and just held onto Brother Smith(his young men's leader who baptized him) I have never seen Alex get emotional. he said it was the happiest moment of his life. The spirit was so strong and his mom was even crying. Couldn't have asked for a better experience for Alex and his family. It was wonderful :)
Saturday he was confirmed and he is doing awesome. I really think it made a huge impact on his mom. We are teaching her this week. we also taught Desirae yesterday. She is 20 and has two kids. Her husband just cheated on her and she is like all alone. She is such an awesome girl. We taught her the entire first lesson and asked her to be baptised. She said yes :) She is an amazing person and i hope and pray she will take this path for her family.
Well I really love my family and miss you so much. I want you for family home evening tonight to read "His Grace is Sufficient" by brad Wilcox its in the September ensign. Read it and apply it. haha please. I love you all. You are always in my prayers. I hope you all feel better and have a wonderful week.
Love, Sister Page
PS TELL ANDREA I SAW HER AUNT AT THE STAKE WOMEN'S CONFERENCE!!! SHE IS AWESOME AND CRAZY AND I LOVE HER!!!! such a tender mercy. (she is the lady in the picture with the green)

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