Monday, September 9, 2013

Dear people,
I feel like I have so much to tell you and so little time. So we moved in with the Cammacks this week! They are awesome. They have one daughter still at home, she is a senior in high school. They are a really cool family. They treat us so well and there house is so nice. We basically have the basement all to ourselves and like a walk in closet and stuff haha its great. So, this week was transfers! We got another set of missionaries for the YSA branch! Also a set of Elders to share the ward with us. Pretty crazy. Everything is changing. There hasn't been six missionaries in Kearney in like 10 years. We are about to make some awesome things happen. The hard part is I have been praying and praying to find more people to teach and the Lord totally blessed us these last two weeks to find people prepared but we had to give like all of them to the Elders... whatever I'm over it. As long as the people we found are coming unto Christ i guess it is okay ;) but seriously these Elders are hard workers and I know Kearney is about to see many miracles. Speaking of miracles we have a baptism this week!!!!! Wahoo :) My fist baptism. Alex(the 14 yr old boy) is getting baptized this Saturday at 5. I am so excited. I feel like he is my little brother. I am so protective over time. The other day we went to his house and his mom just broke down and told us how he is a terrible kid and she can't wait til he is 18. It was so sad because he isn't a terrible kid. He has really been trying and his mom works all day and doesn't take care of him. She also doesn't want him in public school so he is home schooling himself. Anyway I basically just called her to repentance and told her if she wants blessings and wants her family to grow in unity then she needs to follow the example of her son. We will keep working on her.  Don't worry I wasn't a brat about it.
Wednesday we had an awesome district meeting. Since transfers were this week we know there would be lots of changes made so we had a testimony meeting in the chapel just with our district. Probably one of the top ten spiritual experiences I have ever had. That evening we had dinner with 
one of my favorite members. They both served missions and met each other playing soccer after their missions. So duh we just clicked. They are very helpful when it comes to member missionary work. We met with Betty White that night. It is so hard because she knows it is true and she wants to be baptized but she is way old and sick and her son is Jehovah Witness... yeah. I love her so much. I seriously think of her as my grandma.
Thursday we moved and then we had a relief society activity and we got some less actives sisters there! It was wonderful :)
Friday was transfers and was pretty crazy. We found this lady and taught her the restoration and invited her to be baptized. It was awesome haha and then ten minutes after we left the new elders found her. So they get her.... BUT it just shows you how the Lord really is guiding His work.
Saturday We walked Alex to the bishops house so that Sunday mornings he walks there and then they will give him a ride. He really is showing that he wants to be apart of this church. I am so proud of him. That night we had dinner with members and they have cattle and horses and chickens and where they live is just a bunch of rolling hills of corn. It is so pretty. I took some pictures but I left my camera in the car so I will send them next week. it was so fun to help the family out on their ranch. It reminded me of playing on Grandpa's farm. I miss that.
The best part of Sunday was we gave a church tour to this lady and had a wonderful lesson with her. She is coming to the baptism and church this week! :) I don't know why we haven't done that more because the spirit is so strong in the chapel.
On September 22 our mission president is coming to Kearney to speak in our ward haha and they asked me to speak with him. Such a disaster. I am excited though. Will you send me my talk from stake conference and my farewell talk? They are both on my laptop. Thanks:)
Scripture of the week is Helaman 5:12 I love how its says if we build our foundation on Christ we CANNOT fall. It doesn't say we wont' it says we can't as in it is not possible. I know that is true!
I love you all!
Love, Sister Page
Also my new address is
1109 E 66th St Place
Kearney, NE 68847

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