Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September 3 2013
My dear family,
Sounds like things are going well although I wish you would give me a better play by play on tori's games. That is so awesome. I am so proud of my sister. Dad, if you think you were sad to miss it think how I feel... :( Anyway I have a pretty awesome family.
First off that lady that called from Centerville is the wife of a General Authority who spoke in conference and they came for a mission tour to Nebraska. I don't think you all realize how special that was of her to call you. Once a year we get a General Authority to come to our mission. That is why I was so busy this last week. Elder Robbins from the seventy came and trained our mission. It was awesome. When they found out I was from Centerville they said they would send you my love which is such a tender mercy from Heavenly Father, I hope you realize that. It was a long hard week, but amazing.
Monday night we headed to North Platte for exchanges the next day, that is like a hour and a half drive west of Kearney.
Tuesday was a good day, we had exchanges with the sisters there. One of the sisters is 33 and is a high school English teacher... pretty cool. Those sister are doing pretty well. On exchanges we visited this lady, her and her husband are chain smokers... I never realized exactly what that meant until I went into her house. I honestly could not breath it was so bad. We were only there for like 10 minutes and when we left I smelled just like a smoker. haha We sprayed ourselves down with fabreeze and normally I would be against that cause its weird ha but it was worth it. That night we went to Omaha which was like a 5 hour drive.
Wednesday was sister Youngberg's leadership meeting with Elder Robbins. It was so awesome. I am so lucky to get to go to all these trainings. I am the youngest by far haha it is great. Most everyone has been out a year or so. That afternoon we drove all the way home and we went to visit this new investigator and accidently went to the wrong apartment. We ended up teach this guy the entire restoration and giving him a Book of Mormon. 
     Thursday was our first day last week in our area!!! We visited many people, Betty the old lady who is set for baptism was so excited to go to church. She is so fun to teach because she is so humble and wants to feel the spirit. Alex( the 14 year old) has his baptism on the 14 of this month. He is getting really excited for his baptism it is so fun to watch. That night we drove to Lincoln for the normal missionary training by Elder Robbins. My companion and I ended up having to split up and I had to drive the entire way. It really wasn't a big deal except I havn't driven in two months and I am not familiar with Lincoln at all. It was an adventure.
      Friday Sister Youngberg played her Cello for the meeting, she did a wonderful job. I got to see my MTC companion sister Dumont, her grandpa died a couple days ago and she is very sad. It was really good to see her though. We drove back to Kearney that night.
      Saturday we went and visited less actives, then went to go teach Alex. When we got there His mom was crying and she just vented to us about how Alex is not a good kid. Its so sad because she works full time and Alex homeschools himself. She knows she should be getting baptized with Alex but she is stubborn. I know that Alex has changed is so many good ways since we have taught him to gospel I just hope she realizes it. Heavenly Father definitely is humbling her though.
Sunday is always awesome. Ward council actually was productive and the ward is starting to acknowledge our hard work. That night we taught Glenda, it was so awesome. She is the one who we ended up teaching because we needed a female because we were teaching his son. We asked her to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it and we asked if she came to know that it was true if she would be baptized and she said yes! We are teaching her again this week! wahoo :)
There was a visitor in church yesterday who knows grandpa Larry :) his name is Dennis Riley and he worked with grandpa. It was such a tender mercy to sit and talk to him yesterday.
Well that was my week sorry it sounds so boring hahaha but we will be moving on Thursday into a members home, and word on the street is we will have new elders in our apartment but we won't know until after transfers, which are Friday. I have been here a whole transfer... crazy.
Please pray for Camille's brother Trevor. I am sure you know but he is getting heart surgery today.
My thought for the week is Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." His Grace is sufficient, it is not the light at the end of the tunnel but the light that moves us through the tunnel.
I love my family so much.
Love, Sister Page

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