Tuesday, October 15, 2013

I hope that my wonderful family had a great week :) conference was wonderful and if you didn't watch all sessions... repent and go watch them. haha but seriously. I truly believe that every problem in the world can be solved through the words of our leaders this last weekend. It was so different to be listening as a missionary. It was wonderful to hear all the thoughts and prayers from our leaders for me as a missionary. It was also different because I wasn't listening just for me. I was listening for all my investigators and people i am working with. It was a little upsetting considering we invited so many people and one less active showed up to the church ten minutes after the last session ended :( and one of our investigators came and i guess the door he tried was locked. He was probably lying but still. lame. Anyway it was a wonderful conference and it answered all my question plus some that i didn't know i had :)
We were super busy this week. We had exchanges in Hastings on Tuesday. It was just one of those days where the Lord really tries your faith. We spent all day trying the visit people and we knocked on so many doors and nothing. Then like six hours later we found this sweet mom and gave her a book of Mormon. I was so grateful. I know i need to be more patient it is just hard when the mission has certain goals you are suppose to obtain.
We also went to Omaha this week. Drove through some crazy Tornadoes haha we never know the weather so we always run into storms. No worries though my President basically said you are a missionary you will be fine and we were :) the leadership council in Omaha was so awesome. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to attend those. I had to give a training to all the zone leaders haha such a disaster.
We are working with this girl who is 20 and has two kids. We got to visit her this week and i really think she is starting the feel the spirit and recognize it. It is so wonderful to see that in people. We just need people to start being her friend.
I am sort of getting discouraged because we are never in our own area and the work here is lacking. We have a couple investigators but they just aren't progressing. It is sad. I am really excited about the talks on member missionary work though. We are planning a ward party for members to bring their non member friends to. We are going to start teaching each family and get them excited about the work. I think this is really how the Lord wants his work to progress at this time. I have realized no matter how hard i work it wont matter if it is not the Lords way :)
Anyway sorry this letter was so short. I love you all so much and I miss you. Please keep reading over conference. We are so blessed to hear from our wonderful leaders. Have a great week. You are always in my prayers.
Love, Sister Page

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