Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Well it is good to hear from my family! I love your emails and letters! I hope Deema had a wonderful birthday!
We had two different exchanges this week. Tuesday we went to North Platte. I don't know if you heard about all the flooding from the Platte river but yeah it was pretty crazy. They have sand bags all over town. The Platte river is huge. I really wanted to go out and do service but it all happened like the week before so most everything was cleaned up. Anyway we had a good day of exchanges. I ended up going and visiting this Indian lady with one of the sisters. She was crazy and she started talking about some pretty sketchy stuff so i just told her to not mess with that stuff and i bore my testimony on the Book of Mormon and we got out of there. The rest of the day went better no worries :)
Wednesday we had a good district meeting. That day we visited with a family who is starting to come back to church. We taught them a little about the Atonement. It was a wonderful lesson!
Thursday we went on exchanges with the other sisters here in Kearney! They are over the YSA branch. They white washed the area so they have nothing to work with. We tracted all day. I will be honest I loved getting out and walking. It was so much fun! Not many people were receptive but we gave out a lot of Book of Mormons. Since I don't tract very often i learned a lot. that night we had a lesson with this recent convert in the YSA branch. he is 20 and just decided to go on a mission. I shared with him a little about my decision to serve and how it wasn't necessarily easy but so worth it. His family are like anti-LDS so it will be a lot harder for him but he was just eating up everything we were talking about. He recently went to the temple and is just on fire. It is so fun to see. I hope the people i bring into the church will become as converted as he is! It gave me hope so much hope!
Friday was like our first day in our area hahaha it is so hard. I feel like we are never getting anything done in our own area. ANYWAY we had a lesson with Alex's mom! We invited her to be baptized and she committed to working towards a date! wahoo! She has major word of wisdom problems but i have faith she can do it. She says she is still looking for her answer though and i have faith they will be answered this weekend at conference! What better way to gain a testimony of the prophet then to listen to him speak. I am so excited. I know this conference will be a huge blessing for a lot of people we have been working with! You know how everyone says General Conference is like Christmas for missionaries well yeah it pretty much is. I am so pumped haha it is different though because this time I am not just receiving revelation and guidance for myself but i am also thinking about my investigators and other members we are working with. Its great.
So Saturday was like the longest day of my life. We woke up at four in the morning. Our bishop is a professor at UNK so he got us to help with this run for the cure 5k. It was super fun. I wanted to run in it so bad but they wouldn't let me. It was good to get out and work though plus a lot of people noticed all the LDS missionaries so hopefully it will help get our name out there. It was freezing though Kearney is getting cold. I am such a baby.
Sunday we had a meeting with bishop and they Elders. I am starting to get really discouraged with our members. No one will help. See we can find and teach but our investigators don't have fellow shippers and they won't stay active if/when they are baptized. It is sorta frustrating. So we are planning an activity where the members are suppose to bring their friends. I never realized how huge of an impact members make on the work. We are just fasting and praying trying to understand how to help our ward be member missionaries. My mission president said that even if you don't baptize in Kearney as long as you teach members to be missionaries the work will progress more. So that is sorta what we are focused on right now.
I have faith this week will be successful :)
"Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven." We all need to share they light which we have been blessed with.
I love you all. Have a wonderful week.
Love, Sister page

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