Sunday, October 27, 2013

So to start off a short funny story... Last Monday I bought these fake glasses so that I could look more intelligent of something anyway I was driving with them on and totally ran over this curb in a parking lot and the other Kearney missionaries were behind me and now I get made fun off cause my intelligent glasses didn't work... haha
Anyway I am staying in Kearney! wahoo. So is my comp. We are both pretty excited and we know we have a lot to do in the next transfer!
The other exciting news is we got a new ward mission leader. he is soooo awesome. He is going to make us work so hard. It is going to be great! Speaking of work this morning we went to his ranch and helped out for two hours. It was so fun and cold. the sun rises here are beautiful and it feels good to get out and do physical work.
Yesterday was the primary program and we had 171 people in sacrament meeting. Which is a 12 year record for the Kearney ward. How cool is that? A lot of people brought their friends to listen to their kids. Hopefully we will get some investigators out of it. that would be so great.
We got like 3 new investigators this last week. We taught this referral from a member the restoration and we are going back this week. I wish more members would get involved with missionary work because the most success comes from members. fo sho.
I gave a training in district meeting this last week. It went pretty well it was on how your obedience reflects your faith. "When obedience stops being an irritant and becomes our quest then God will enable us with power." -President Ezra Taft Benson. That goes to all members of the church because Loyalty is the crowning characteristic of Love. How loyal our we to our Heavenly Father? Anyway i was blessed to have the training go so well.
We had three investigators at church this week. We were pretty excited.
Sorry this letter was so short and all over the place. I am just too busy to write you hahahah I love Kelsey. What a great excuse :) just kidding next week will be longer and better I promise. Keep being amazing. I love you all.
Love, Sister Page

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