Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Dear Familia,
como estas hahaha
So the training last week went pretty well. Zone conferences are always a good spiritual boost. I saw Elder Taggart haha it is so weird to see a familiar face. Sister Youngberg and I trained on working well with members. I think all missionaries are still trying to figure out the best way to work with members. There defiantly isnt just one way.. you sorta have to treat them like you would investigators and go by the spirit.
We also went on exchanges this week to york Nebraska. Sisters just opened that area so we went to help them out a little bit. This was on halloween day. One of the sisters is actually the sister who entered the mtc with me and left because she hurt her foot. It was so good to see her out in the field. She is so happy and has a new appreciation to be on a mission. It is so cool. That night we had dinner with one of the members in their branch. It was her nine year anniversary for being baptized and she spent all halloween night with us as we talked about her conversion. It gave me hope. All I want is to bring someone to the gospel and have them treasure it as much as she does.
So we were already out of our area like 2 and a half days at that point and then we woke up friday morning and Sister Youngberg was pretty sick. she slept all day. So I studied and cleaned and updated records and called people. It was pretty boring but it was needed. that night we had a meeting with our new ward mission leader. He is putting us to work. We are making a series of lessons for the strong members in the ward and leading it up to their own family mission plan. Our ward mission leader also invited this lady and her kids over for dinner and we taught her the entire first lesson. She will get baptized i jsut know it. Member missionary work is so important. She mostly spoke Spanish though hahaha so i now speak spanish :) our ward mission leader and his wife speak spanish fluently. I could only pick out a couple words though haha
the next day i woke up feeling very sick. It is so stupid because i feel like we are wasting so much time and i am being super lazy. The elders and our ward mission leader gave us a blessing. We are so blessed to have the priesthood. After the blessing he looked at us and said forget yourself and go to work hahaha it is true though. It was hard not being able to be in our area much but i know Heavenly Father will bless us this week as we work hard. Sister Youngberg and I are both feeling better. I am sorry this letter is so lame.
My thought for the week is something that has been on my mine a lot lately. "serve God with gladness." As we do what the Heavenly Father asks of us make sure we do it with a happy heart. :) I love you all. Remember who you are and whose you are.
Have a wonderful week!
Love, Hermana Page hahahaha

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