Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Hello family :) I hope you all had a wonderful week!
I am actually emailing from Hastings Nebraska right now. We are on exchanges! It is always so fun to help other sisters out in their area. I am so blessed to have that opportunity every week!
My week went pretty well! We have really been focusing on getting the members to do missionary work. WE saw some of the families this week and taught them about Lehi's dream. It was so wonderful. The spirit was so strong and we invited families to make their own family mission plan. We were timid at times with some families because they don't feel comfortable with missionary work, but the Lord helped us and it went well. One family at the end of the lesson asked us to stay longer and keep having scripture study. I realized that I really do have the spirit with my and that they didn't want it to leave. It made me feel so good and I felt like I was really fulfilling my purpose as a missionary. This week Alexs mom, Lynn told us she is committing to be baptized. We taught her the Word of wisdom. She has problems with coffee tea and she has been smoking for like 50 years BUT she is ready to do it. She came to church and totally fell asleep in relief society. I was sitting next to her and had no idea what to do. She was snoring so loud but hey I guess that means she isn't drinking coffee :) I just put my arm around her and told he I would stand up with her in the back. We have been praying so hard for her to be baptized and grow in the gospel with Alex. Our prayers are being answered! :) Our three main investigators all have huge hurdles to make with the word of wisdom. Its it really hard but I know that with the Lord all things are possible. So I will admit the best part of my week was definitely playing soccer with our investigators. It was so much fun. WE played Saturday and it was awesome. The Lord really cares about our desires. Out of all the places I could be in Nebraska Heavenly Father put me where the ward mission leader and our investigators play soccer. I really needed it plus I think our investigator respects me a little more hahahaha
Thursday we went to North platte on exchanges. A lot of the sisters we are over are really struggling and it really puts things into perspective for me. I am so blessed. One sister is having major anxiety attacks and another one is in the hospital because she keeps passing out. Sister Y and I have been dealing with all these things this week. going and visiting them and calling president to know what to do. It has been pretty stressful, but I am grateful for the opportunity to serve other sisters. It helps me forget about my own problems.
Friday I drove from North Platte all the way to Omaha. That is about a 4 hour drive. Sister Youngberg was studying for a training she had to give. I was so exhausted by the end of that day. It is nice to just listen to conference talks though! Our leadership meeting in Omaha was great. It was all the sister training leaders, zone leaders and district leaders. President basically called us all to repentance. There is so many things I can improve on it is a little overwhelming sometimes. He made me bare my testimony in front of everyone since I didn't give a training. I am grateful for the opportunity to share my testimony with so many people and in so many settings!
Anyway overall this week was wonderful. We had three investigators and church! It was awesome. I have really been focusing on prayer. What better way to become like someone than to spend time with them. I have really come to learn the characteristics of Heavenly Father. I encourage all of you to read the bible dictionary of prayer and to have more sincere, meaningful prayers this week. He loves you all and wants to hear from you. Keep Heavenly Father involved in the details of your life.
I love you all. Keep being amazing and remember what is most important in life.
Love, Sister Page

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