Tuesday, November 12, 2013

My entire life I have been blessed to be so close to so many people with strong testimonies.  I have always been able to rely on these individuals and their testimonies when things get hard. Throughout the years I have developed my own testimony and have begun my conversion to the gospel. Conversion is a lifelong process that I will always be working on, but I know now that because of many experiences I have had, that now when things get hard, I can lean on my own testimony.
Although there are many experiences which have helped my conversion process, there are a few I would like to share. Writing is not one of my strong suit, so I feel as though nothing I put on paper could possibly do these experiences justice. I pray the spirit will help make up for my inadequacies, for it was the spirit which touched my heart in the first place.
As I was trying to decide where to play soccer in college, I had many different schools offer me a scholarship and it was very hard to decide. I prayed, fasted and received many fathers’ blessings. I finally received my answer and I was not happy with where Heavenly Father wanted me to go. I had many people tell me it was stupid to play there because the team wasn’t very good and the education there wasn’t the best I could be receiving. I went anyway and took that step of faith. The first Sunday service I spent there as I walked in to the sacrament room the spirit hit me so strong. I realized that it didn’t matter that I didn’t go to college with my friends or play for the best team of even go to an amazing university. What mattered was that I was where I would grow the most spiritually. I know I needed to be there that year and that the experiences there were what got me on a mission. Heavenly Father knows what is best for us, even though sometimes it is hard to see.
When I first got out on my mission I was trying so hard to figure out how to be the best missionary right now. I was struggling and was not being patient with myself. I knelt down in desperation for help from my Heavenly Father. He told me, as though he were right next to me, that he loved me, he was proud of me and that this Gospel is about being happy. The best way to be a missionary is to show how the gospel makes me happy. I know that Heavenly Father and my saviour know me personally and love me. No one can ever make me say otherwise.
I will never forget how wonderful going through the temple was for the first time. The spirit was amazing and as I went into the Celestial room my dad greeted me with such a loving hug. My dad and I are very close and the temple is such a special place. My dad was so proud of me for living in a way that I could be there with him. For that moment I saw a glimpse of what it will be like when I leave this life and enter into the presence of my Heavenly Father. I know that if I live righteously and endure to the end here in this life that He will be proud of me. It will be so wonderful to finally receive that warm, loving hug.  There is nothing that will stop me from returning to my Heavenly Father.
Last, I know the Book of Mormon is true.  When I think of the witness I have of the Book of Mormon I don’t think of a specific experience, there is many times where the spirit has witnessed to me of its truthfulness. I know that it can heal me spiritually and it has. It is the most powerful book on earth.  Because of the Book of Mormon, I know that Christ atonement is real. He is our Saviour and that through the Atonement we can be forgiven, healed and our weaknesses may become strengths. For this I will be forever grateful.
No words can begin to express my testimony of this gospel.  As I read the testimony of Prophets in the scriptures it helps me to put into words my witness of the truthfulness of the gospel.  Like Alma says “It has made known unto me by the Holy Spirit of God. Behold I have fasted and prayed many days that I might know these things for myself. And now I do know of myself that they are true, for the Lord god hath made them manifest unto me by his Holy Spirit.”
I know these things are true. These experiences have helped me become converted to this Gospel. I know it, I know God knows it, and I cannot deny it.

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