Monday, December 30, 2013

Dear Family,
I hope you all are enjoying this Christmas season :) I know it's not the same without me... sorry. You all probably have zero fun without me hahaha
Anyway, I am sort of sad because a lot of out progressing investigators stopped progressing. There is a lot of anti-material here in Nebraska. It is really sad. Talk about the great and abominable church like on every corner. hahaha it’s really not funny though... anyway this is why we have to work with members a lot because they need to learn how to bring their firends into the gospel so that the investigators have friends to lean on. Plus if you give a man a fish he eats for a day but if you teach a man to fish he eats for a life time. We are trying to teach the members to do missionary work because there is just too much to do here in Kearney! We saw a miracle this week from our work with the members. The family we live with introduced us to their daughter’s friend. Her name is Kirsten. We have taught her like every day this week and she is getting baptized January 11! :) I am so excited. She is so prepared it is not even funny. She is already in the middle of 2nd Nephi and she totally went to early morning seminary on her own. Sister Call and I are so excited. We have been praying for her so much. One of her grandmas is supportive the other one isn’t. It is really sad. We met the one that is supportive said "well if this helps you be happy and makes you a better person then I support you." I just thought to myself... you have no idea haha this is the one thing that can bring you true happiness and help you progress and Kirsten found it. I just wish people could see it better. But still so exciting.
This week Sister Call and I gave a training in zone conference. We decided to make things exciting and we acted as the devils advocates. We talked about how agency and the Atonement are complimentary doctrines. It was fun. Then we went to York to do exchanges. It was such a good exchange. These sisters really were struggling a couple months ago but are doing a lot better. We definitely saw miracles there!
Tonight we are all driving to Lincoln for Christmas Zone Conference. It will be fun and good to spend some time with all the sisters!
My emails are so lame I am sorry. haha I just write random stuff.
My spiritual thought for this week is for mom but you all should look it up... this December ensign on page 45... It totally reminded me of you mom. I love you. Don’t cry haha
I love you all! Have a great week!

Love, Sister Page

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