Tuesday, December 3, 2013

So I am still in Kearney! Wahoo! I have a new companion. Her name is Sister Call. She is one of the best Sisters in the entire mission. So I either did something right or something wrong to deserve her! She is from Washington State and apparently we are related. We are the Sister Training leaders over eight sets of sisters. Holy molly I know you don't know this but that is a lot of sisters to be over! We are going to be out of our area a lot BUT President promised some great blessings because of our service to them. I love working with these sisters so much. I am so blessed to have this opportunity.
This was a great week. We Had Thanksgiving out in the country on a ranch. The turkey we ate was killed on their ranch. We went over early to help Sister Robinson make it. I made the stuffing and she had me put the turkey heart in the stuffing hahah it was awesome. We had two less actives come and an investigator. It was the most random group of people I have ever had thanksgiving with and I will never forget it. It was so fun. Those two less actives came to Church yesterday! That night Sister Youngberg got all packed up to leave the next day. Fun fact... Sister Youngberg and sister call just switched places. I am sad to see her leave but it is for the best!
Right when sister Call got here on Friday we went and had a lesson with this less active. The spirit was very strong and she said she was going to come to church yesterday. Unfortunately she didn't but we have a return appointment and I know miracles are going to happen. Saturday we had a great lesson with Stella. WE helped her kids with homework. I was help Stefan with his math ha-ha but it was all in Spanish so that made it sort of hard but we figured it out. It was a lot of fun. We committed them to read the Book of Mormon every day and they are coming to the ward party and church next week. Wahoo! After our lesson with Stella President called and said we had to go see the sisters in Grand Island they were really struggling and so we had to cancel all our appointments for the rest of the day and go see them. I went on a long walk with one of the sisters. She is doing better but it is just really hard to watch her struggle. It does make me realize all the blessing I have though!
 As for Betty She is not getting baptized this week because Sister Call and I have to go to Omaha for a leadership meeting BUT Betty should be getting baptized on Friday the 13 haha I would be worried about it being an unlucky day but 13 is my lucky number :)
Yesterday I bore my testimony is sacrament meeting about our gifts to the savior and I would really encourage you all the really think about what gifts we will be giving him this season and year. We celebrate his birth because of his Atonement. We need to use his Atonement to the best of our abilities.
I love you all so much. Have a wonderful week. Hurrah for Israel!
Love, Sista Page
Ps... You better all have Book of Mormons to give out!

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