Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Well first off thank you so much for the package! I loved it so much!
This week was such a rollarcoaster. So, Betty did not get baptized and I am so sad. She had some family who were trying to talk her out of it. She babysits her Jehovah Witness grandchildren every saturday. She told us she could find someone to watch them for her, but then her family just sorta blew up at her. I ended up getting really sick this week so i couldn't even go see her. I went to the doctor and he was disrespectful to me and wouldnt even give me a mono test. He did give me some medicine for my sinus infection though so that is good and I am feeling much better. I also reacived a blessing from brother cammack who i live with. They are awesome. I went and saw Betty the other night. She is so amazing. She still wants to get baptized and we got special permission to have it on a friday. This week is transfers, so she will be baptized the next week. I hope and pray everyday that i won't get transferred this week! I would be so sad!
One of the sisters we are over in the mission called me a couple days ago crying because she had no money in her account and her family wouldn't give her anymore. She got sick and spent the rest of her money on the medication. Anyway she was really struggling. I had no idea what to do. I offered to buy her some of her needs but i wasn't sure how that was going to work considering my card declined this week hahaha but anyway we have been praying a lot for her. The next day she got a letter from her stake president saying early merry Christmas and gave her a check. It is just so amazing how the Lord meets all of our needs and answers our prayers through his servants. I just hope that i can be close enough to the spirit to be an answer to someone elses prayer.
Last night we had a wonderful lesson with this member family. There mother was in town so we taught her the restoration. The spirit was so strong and she accepted to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. Unfortunately she is from South Carolina but still helping someone feel the spirit is one of my favorite things.
Saturday the Elders in Kearney had a baptism. It went really. Well this is the third baptism this ward has had in the last 6 months. that is more than they have had in the last like three years. We are really working hard to get the missionary work going.
I am not surprised that your stake conference was on missionary work. That is the emphasise on everything here. We have been going around teaching the families about Lehi's dream 1 Nehpi 8:12 talks about how as you partake of the gospel of Jesus Christ you will desire to share with others. So, my invitation to my family is... give out a book of Mormon before the end of the year. This time of year has such a wonderful spirit about it. What better time of year to share the most important thing we have with others. I now that the Lord will send the Holy Ghost to help you know what to say (D&C 84:85). It will be awesome!
Well pray i dont' get transferred. I love you all. This week is going to be a great week!
Love, Sister page

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