Monday, August 26, 2013

Well hello family. I hope everyone is enjoying school this lovely morning. Just so you know I will be moving like next Tuesday or Wednesday. We are moving in with members. They are pretty awesome so it should be good. Rumor has it that some new elders are moving into our apartment at transfers next week. So you can still send letters to my apartment address until next week. We will be going to the post office to get a forwarding address thingy just in case we get mail they will forward it. As of right now i don't know the address for the members home so just send letters to the mission home starting next week and it will eventually get to me. haha
So this was a wonderful week in Kearney Nebraska. Monday night we went and had a member give a blessing to Betty she is the 88 year old we are teaching. She has been pretty sick and we really need her to get to church but she literally couldn't get out of bed. So that was a very neat experience. That night we drove to Hastings to do exchanges and we also had a training for new missionaries in Grand Island Tuesday morning. So like always we spend many nights away from our beds and my back still hurts from those two nights on the floor haha I'm such a baby. I got to see my MTC companion, Sister Dumont at the training it was awesome.The training by President Weston and his wife was awesome. They mostly just helped answer questions and Sister Weston gave a lesson on being a happy missionary but I think it is a good lesson on being a happy family so you should read it as a family. Mosiah 4 I believe (I don't have my notes so it might be a different chapter but either way I am sure its a good chapter haha) You should do it for family night tonight because I know you are always so good about having family night because it is so important :) ANYWAY the rest of the day we did exchanges which is always a blessing for those sisters and their area.
 We slept there that night and had district meeting the next morning. That evening we visited and played cards with a less active lady. She basically just needs friends and I know she will become active again. We had an appointment with one of our investigators and he cancelled. :( He is set for baptism but is not keeping commitments and isn't making an effort so hopefully we can continue to help him progress to baptism but everyone has their agency. I just wish they understood what I understand sometimes, it is so frustrating. 
Thursday was our first whole day in our area. We tried visiting potentials but not many would open their doors for us. We need to find more people to teach. That night we also had two investigators cancel. So we went and visited Alex who is getting baptized in two weeks!!! He is getting excited. We are just working on his mom because we know her support is so important. I pray every day that she may be humbled and understand she needs to change and follow her sons example.
Friday was the longest day of my life. So there is a University here in Kearney called UNK and they had freshman move in day, so for four hours Friday morning we helped move people into their dorms....on the seventh floor. I am so out of shape it is sad. That evening it was the Universities big like social event with all the tables all over campus. Our Bishop is a professor at UNK and so he got us a table and we handed out pass along cards and Book of Mormons all evening. It was pretty awesome and our bishop saw all our hard work and I know he trusts us a lot more. He got up in sacrament meeting and told everyone that we are the hardest working missionaries out there and to put us to work. It was wonderful. Hopefully members will start getting into missionary work. Being at the university was hard cause I could see the soccer girls practicing all morning haha figures but in know I am where I am suppose to be.
 Saturday we got out the potential list in the area book and went to town. No one was too receptive but we did get one returning appointment so I know the Lord blessed us. We went and visited a guy we gave a Book of Mormon to the week before, and he read the entire thing in like five days! Then he just sat their and bashed on Joseph Smith and wanted to bible bash basically. I seriously thought he had pulled my heart out and stomped on it. The spirit was completely gone, it was so sad. So we just answered some of his question. bore testimony and then left. Overall Saturday was a good day.We visited some more less actives who really need some spiritual help.
Sunday we had an amazing lesson with Allen. When I first met Allen he was in a scary place in his life and now he is seeking for the truth and is gaining a relationship with his Heavenly Father. It is wonderful. Those moments are what make missionary work all worth it.
This week will be a very busy week. We are going on exchanges tonight to North Platte then we drive to Omaha Wednesday (Sister Youngberg has a leadership training) and on Friday we will be in Lincoln for our zone conference with Elder Robbins (general authority) We will have like no time in our area this week but it will be a wonderful spiritual experience.
Thought for the week: "We are not earning Heaven we are learning Heaven"
I LOVE YOU ALL! Thanks for you love, prayers and letters.
Love Sister Page

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Well hello my dear loved ones. First off thank you mommy for the package! I love my skirt and my scriptures. I love them!! They are great :) I was so excited. It is so funny how letters and packages can make me so happy. It sounds like everyone is getting ready for school. Crazy! Tori I am so proud of you! Just remember I didn't play varsity til my sophomore year hahaha I just love you cutie and I am so sorry I can't be there to watch!
Anyway my week went pretty well....
Monday night we visited this family who lives in a trailer. They use to take the lessons from missionaries a long time ago so we though we would try. They pretty much agreed to everything we said but I guess religion just isn't important to them. BUT we are going back this week! Every Monday night we drive to another city to do exchanges with other sisters and we are there all Tuesday. So we are out of our area a lot. Its hard but I know that the Lord blesses us for it. This last week we went to Grand Island, the sisters there are struggling pretty bad. One of them has been pretty sick and they don't agree very much. Their area is pretty small and hasn't seen much success, specially since they just opened the area for sisters. BUT It was a good day. The Lord always blessing exchanges and we talked to a lot of people and helped them find people to teach. We also let them get their frustrations out and we talked them through things. Tuesday nights we have conference call and they tell who leads each zone for the week and guess what.... out of all the missionaries( elders and sisters) we lead the zone last week even though we were out of our area for like two days!!! It is pretty uncommon for a companionship who is training to lead a zone so wahoo haha Pretty awesome. The Lord blesses you when you put others before you! So that was pretty exciting! Wednesday was district meeting which is always an uplifting experience haha also two other sisters who I was in the MTC with are in my district so I see them all the time. That night we met with Brother Runge. He has a pretty messed up family and we have been teaching him for a long time. He is set for baptism but isn't really acting much on his faith. We had a couple in our ward come with us to the lesson, which always makes me nervous haha, but it went really well. We taught him the doctrine of Christ and told him to act on his faith. So I pray so hard everyday that he does. Thursday is less active Thursday and we go with the relief society president and visit less actives which is always a good time. We went to this recent convert who got baptized and then stopped going to church like right after and when she opened the door she was like "Oh its the sister elders and she was like you are actually cute" hahaha best compliment ever. We went and visited this Philippiano lady and she made us some awesome food. That night we had dinner at the bishops house which was very good. So the university here in Kearney is having like a college day where there are booths and stuff so us missionaries are going to be giving book of Mormons away and stuff. It is this Friday and we will be there like all day. It is good to see the bishop getting involved in missionary work. Friday we visited some potential investigators and met with some members in the ward. We are starting to get the trust of some member families and we are really encouraging member missionary work. We have also been fed a lot more this week which is great except im get a little large... its basically a big fat disaster haha whatever. Saturday we had an appointed to teach the new convert in the ward (Justin) and the members who have fellowshipped him ( the Lebires) who were going to feed us lunch and then we were going to have the lesson with Justins home teacher but they text us the night before and said they didn't have enough money this week to feed us :( they are very poor and live in this tiny house. I was heart broken so thanks dad for buying them lunch :) hahaha they were so appreciative. We just went and got a ten dollar stoffers lasagna it was a great day. That night we had a big service project with the ward so I met some more members. So sunday... I ended us having to speak in the home ward for ten minutes and the YSA branch for 20 minutes hahaha it was great. I was stressed but Heavenly Father definitely blessed me. I spoke on helping others come unto Christ and I hope it at least inspired one person to get involved in missionary work.
I love my family and miss them very much. Good luck starting school. I pray for you all day everyday. Also I thought about tori all day Thursday and when it was 4:30 here so 3:30 in Utah I about died ... I even starting crying a little at this less actives house cause I want to watch Tori play so bad. But I know I am suppose to be here and I love being a missionary.
Love, Sister Page

Well hello family :) This week has been very eventful. ha First of all I would like to thank you for all your letters and Thanks for the shoes mommy! I love them. Next item of business...... CONGRATS TORI!!! :) I am super proud of you! I love hearing all your soccer stories and please let me know how your games go. So last monday we taugh this like really old lady. She is the biggest sweetheart. The only problem is her grandkids are Jehovah Witnesses BUT we taught her the gospel of Jesus Christ and I started telling her how she can return and live with her Heavenly Father and that there were steps she needed to take to get there, and she literally got out a piece of paper and started writing down the steps as I taught her the doctrine of Christ. It was the coolest things. We Invited her to be baptized and she said yes I need to. then we asked her to pray about it all and she was like I already know its true. She has a lot of health problems so she knew it would be a struggle to come to church but she said she would. It was an awesome night. Then that night we drove to Holdridge Nebraska to go on exchanges with the sisters there. Holdridge is very very small. They only have a branch there and the sisters there are struggling really bad. Some girls are just dramatic and emotional haha anyway, so we basically just went to work and tried to get them excited about the work. We tracted a lot and found some people who wanted to be taught. It was pretty cool. Whenever we tract in Kearney no one listens so it was a miracle we could find people for them to teach. It was a lot of fun and when we left those sisters were a little more motivated again. Wednesday we went to zone meeting and Sister Youngberg and I taught a training which is basically a big fat disaster cause I have been out a month, ya it was scary but really good. I brought the sweetish fish mom sent me and gave them out to people who participated hahaha don't know if that is allowed but it got people to comment :) We had a lesson that night that got cancelled and we were very sad. This investigator was set for baptism and wont answer our calls so we are just going to keep praying! Thursday I got sick... it was not a very happy day. We visited a lot of less actives with the relief society president and it was really good to meet all these ladies, for whatever reason they dont come to church but we are working on them. President Weston said that every less active we help reactivate then the Lord will bless us with someone else to teach. So we are trying to build the ward and we already have helped a couple come back to church! YAY! A lot of people just need to be reminded that Heavenly Father loves them and is aware of them! Friday was another miracle day! :) So Justin is a 16 year old boy and was baptized right before I got to Kearney. His mom is Methodist and wouldnt even come to his baptism. So we are teaching him his new member lessons. We always teach him at his neighbors house (the Lebrees) who are very active in the church. They are the reason why he joined (member missionary work is the way to go). So we were teaching Justin and the Lebrees and we get there and Sister Lebree wasn't there, they forgot that we can't teach without a female there so he was like lets just teach outside and then it started pooring rain. So the only female we could ask to come over was Justins mom and she totally came. We taught the plan of salvation and she said she wants to hear more that we have taught Justin!!! We were so excited!  Then Saturday we taught two other investigators and that went very well. Some people we are just going to have to go slow, cause they are having a hard time fully understanding everything.  Then Sunday.... None of our investagators showed and then we had a meeting with the ward mission leader like we do every Sunday and the stake president shows up which is crazy cause this stake is like half Nebraska haha but he comes and lectures us on envolving members. He looked me straight in the eyes and said "There is no excuses for not baptising more members into this ward." It was pretty discouraging. BUT I am going to make it motivate me, not discourage me. We had dinner with members last night and shared a lesson about the significance of the restoration and they didn't give us referrals but the wife is going to come visit some less active members with us. So one member at a time we will try and build this ward. Members really are crucial in missionary work. I just wish they all understood that. This Sunday I am giving a talk on helping others come unto Christ so if you have any ideas send me a letter. I love my family and all your support. Thanks for everything!
I love you all have a wonderful week I am always praying for you and love your letters!
The Church is true.
Love, Sister Page

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Dear Family,
This week has been pretty crazy. I honestly don't know where to start. So last week I totally forgot to tell you that sister Youngberg(my companion) is a sister training leader. So that means she is a girl zone leader basically. haha she is pretty awesome. It is a great opportunity for me because I get to go with her to all these leadership meetings and it is so awesome. This last week on Thursday we went to Omaha. Since we don't have access to the news we didn't know that there was a storm coming through, so we basically drove through a tornado. I am not even joking it was the scariest thing of my life. I am only telling you this though because I am okay so there is no point in you worrying now :) anyway the meeting was awesome. All the missionaries there were like the best and it was super intimidating but I learned a lot. Being a companion with a sister training leader also means I get to go on exchanges with a lot of other sisters to see how they are doing. It is pretty cool. One of the sisters I was with in the mtc is really home sick and we are going on exchanges with them tomorrow. It will be great.
This week has been such a rollercoaster. Some days are awesome and some super discouraging. Last Tuesday was hard. We had two appointments cancel and so we decided to knock on some doors and visit less actives. Most everyone is super friendly but every once in a while you will talk to someone who really doesn't want to listen. So we knocked on this door and she basically told us she was Baptist and then slammed the door.... I just stood there on the front porch and I remembered when that guy spit on Dad on his mission and Dad just laughed, and seriously I just stood there and laughed cause that's all I could do. My companion and I laughed about it the rest of the day. There are happy moments though! We are teaching this 14 year old and he set a date for baptism! WAHOOOOO!  It was so awesome. We are also teaching these other investigators that are going well and hopefully we can get to that point with them too. Mostly we are working with less actives though, trying to build our ward and it is really working well. Our ward loves us! We are always helping with service opportunities and gaining the trust of our members. Yesterday at church we almost had to open the overflow! Granted there were a lot of visitors but still, we are getting less actives to come and it is wonderful. Right before I got to Kearney this 16 year old named Justin was baptized and some of his friends want to hear the discussions so I am super excited about that! There are some pretty awesome members in this ward. Our goal is to get as many investigators involved as possible. The Stake president of this ward said that Kearney will be very important for the second coming because many saints will be coming through here to get to Adamondiamen ( I can't spell) and the Lord is trying to build the church up as much as possible. So that's pretty sweeeeeeet :)
Anyway I hope you are all doing well!
Tori soccer sounds awesome! Good luck at tryouts tor tor I love you and will be praying for you! Sounds like the family is doing well. I pray for you all the time and I miss you all soo much. Our mission president invited us to invite all members to read from the Book of Mormon everyday so I hope that my family would commit to this with me :) I love you and please write me!
the church is true
Love sister page