Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Well hello my dear loved ones. First off thank you mommy for the package! I love my skirt and my scriptures. I love them!! They are great :) I was so excited. It is so funny how letters and packages can make me so happy. It sounds like everyone is getting ready for school. Crazy! Tori I am so proud of you! Just remember I didn't play varsity til my sophomore year hahaha I just love you cutie and I am so sorry I can't be there to watch!
Anyway my week went pretty well....
Monday night we visited this family who lives in a trailer. They use to take the lessons from missionaries a long time ago so we though we would try. They pretty much agreed to everything we said but I guess religion just isn't important to them. BUT we are going back this week! Every Monday night we drive to another city to do exchanges with other sisters and we are there all Tuesday. So we are out of our area a lot. Its hard but I know that the Lord blesses us for it. This last week we went to Grand Island, the sisters there are struggling pretty bad. One of them has been pretty sick and they don't agree very much. Their area is pretty small and hasn't seen much success, specially since they just opened the area for sisters. BUT It was a good day. The Lord always blessing exchanges and we talked to a lot of people and helped them find people to teach. We also let them get their frustrations out and we talked them through things. Tuesday nights we have conference call and they tell who leads each zone for the week and guess what.... out of all the missionaries( elders and sisters) we lead the zone last week even though we were out of our area for like two days!!! It is pretty uncommon for a companionship who is training to lead a zone so wahoo haha Pretty awesome. The Lord blesses you when you put others before you! So that was pretty exciting! Wednesday was district meeting which is always an uplifting experience haha also two other sisters who I was in the MTC with are in my district so I see them all the time. That night we met with Brother Runge. He has a pretty messed up family and we have been teaching him for a long time. He is set for baptism but isn't really acting much on his faith. We had a couple in our ward come with us to the lesson, which always makes me nervous haha, but it went really well. We taught him the doctrine of Christ and told him to act on his faith. So I pray so hard everyday that he does. Thursday is less active Thursday and we go with the relief society president and visit less actives which is always a good time. We went to this recent convert who got baptized and then stopped going to church like right after and when she opened the door she was like "Oh its the sister elders and she was like you are actually cute" hahaha best compliment ever. We went and visited this Philippiano lady and she made us some awesome food. That night we had dinner at the bishops house which was very good. So the university here in Kearney is having like a college day where there are booths and stuff so us missionaries are going to be giving book of Mormons away and stuff. It is this Friday and we will be there like all day. It is good to see the bishop getting involved in missionary work. Friday we visited some potential investigators and met with some members in the ward. We are starting to get the trust of some member families and we are really encouraging member missionary work. We have also been fed a lot more this week which is great except im get a little large... its basically a big fat disaster haha whatever. Saturday we had an appointed to teach the new convert in the ward (Justin) and the members who have fellowshipped him ( the Lebires) who were going to feed us lunch and then we were going to have the lesson with Justins home teacher but they text us the night before and said they didn't have enough money this week to feed us :( they are very poor and live in this tiny house. I was heart broken so thanks dad for buying them lunch :) hahaha they were so appreciative. We just went and got a ten dollar stoffers lasagna it was a great day. That night we had a big service project with the ward so I met some more members. So sunday... I ended us having to speak in the home ward for ten minutes and the YSA branch for 20 minutes hahaha it was great. I was stressed but Heavenly Father definitely blessed me. I spoke on helping others come unto Christ and I hope it at least inspired one person to get involved in missionary work.
I love my family and miss them very much. Good luck starting school. I pray for you all day everyday. Also I thought about tori all day Thursday and when it was 4:30 here so 3:30 in Utah I about died ... I even starting crying a little at this less actives house cause I want to watch Tori play so bad. But I know I am suppose to be here and I love being a missionary.
Love, Sister Page

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