Thursday, August 8, 2013

Dear Family,
This week has been pretty crazy. I honestly don't know where to start. So last week I totally forgot to tell you that sister Youngberg(my companion) is a sister training leader. So that means she is a girl zone leader basically. haha she is pretty awesome. It is a great opportunity for me because I get to go with her to all these leadership meetings and it is so awesome. This last week on Thursday we went to Omaha. Since we don't have access to the news we didn't know that there was a storm coming through, so we basically drove through a tornado. I am not even joking it was the scariest thing of my life. I am only telling you this though because I am okay so there is no point in you worrying now :) anyway the meeting was awesome. All the missionaries there were like the best and it was super intimidating but I learned a lot. Being a companion with a sister training leader also means I get to go on exchanges with a lot of other sisters to see how they are doing. It is pretty cool. One of the sisters I was with in the mtc is really home sick and we are going on exchanges with them tomorrow. It will be great.
This week has been such a rollercoaster. Some days are awesome and some super discouraging. Last Tuesday was hard. We had two appointments cancel and so we decided to knock on some doors and visit less actives. Most everyone is super friendly but every once in a while you will talk to someone who really doesn't want to listen. So we knocked on this door and she basically told us she was Baptist and then slammed the door.... I just stood there on the front porch and I remembered when that guy spit on Dad on his mission and Dad just laughed, and seriously I just stood there and laughed cause that's all I could do. My companion and I laughed about it the rest of the day. There are happy moments though! We are teaching this 14 year old and he set a date for baptism! WAHOOOOO!  It was so awesome. We are also teaching these other investigators that are going well and hopefully we can get to that point with them too. Mostly we are working with less actives though, trying to build our ward and it is really working well. Our ward loves us! We are always helping with service opportunities and gaining the trust of our members. Yesterday at church we almost had to open the overflow! Granted there were a lot of visitors but still, we are getting less actives to come and it is wonderful. Right before I got to Kearney this 16 year old named Justin was baptized and some of his friends want to hear the discussions so I am super excited about that! There are some pretty awesome members in this ward. Our goal is to get as many investigators involved as possible. The Stake president of this ward said that Kearney will be very important for the second coming because many saints will be coming through here to get to Adamondiamen ( I can't spell) and the Lord is trying to build the church up as much as possible. So that's pretty sweeeeeeet :)
Anyway I hope you are all doing well!
Tori soccer sounds awesome! Good luck at tryouts tor tor I love you and will be praying for you! Sounds like the family is doing well. I pray for you all the time and I miss you all soo much. Our mission president invited us to invite all members to read from the Book of Mormon everyday so I hope that my family would commit to this with me :) I love you and please write me!
the church is true
Love sister page

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