Tuesday, April 8, 2014

This week was a wonderful week, as always. A Sister I came out with has been waiting for her Visa to Brazil... Still. So basically she spent half of her mission in Nebraska. Anyway she got her Visa last week. She was serving out west so she came and stayed a couple days with us before she left. So I got to be in a trio! It was way fun. It was also an answer to my prayers. We had this sister under own stewardship who was really struggling with obedience. She didn't want to go on exchanges with us either and really just wouldn't talk to us. haha normally I wouldn't put up with crap like that but I need to be more Christ like. Anyway so I was super discouraged and didn't know what to do. I just wanted someone to talk to about it, but since Sister Larson was stressed about it too, I didn't want to unload on her. So Heavenly Father sent me this sweet Sister who was leaving to Brazil. She is a wonderful sister and just listened. It also really helped me to know how I can better help sisters when they are struggling. I fasted and prayed to know how to help this sister who was struggling. We ended up going on exchanges and it was the best exchange I have ever been on. She opened up and talked about how she wants to be better and understands the importance of obedience.
Another neat experience happened Friday night. We had spent all day helping sisters transfer.. oh by the way I didn't get transferred haha anyway so we were busy all day moving sisters into their new places. Friday night hit and we hadn't taught a lesson. I never want a day on my mission to go by without teaching someone something. We prayed to be able to find someone and teach them. We were walking down the street at like 8pm when we met Josh. WE taught him about the Book of Mormon and how to pray. He prayed with us and the spirit was very strong. He said he would come to conference! He didn't end up coming but I am grateful Heavenly Father gave me the opportunity to teach a lesson that day.
So last conference in October was so wonderful and I remember being so sad that we had no investigators there to watch. Conference is too important and life changing to not have people watch. So, this last week we invited everyone to watch! I was praying really hard to know how we could take full advantage of it! Our investigator Ally wasn't suppose to be in town this weekend, but last minute her plans changed. We watched the first session with her and a recent convert at our ward mission leaders home! It was so wonderful. When President Eyring spoke he said something like, "Some of you may have been invited by missionaries to watch and our considering being baptized." Ally turned to me and said, "Sister Page, he is talking to me!" It was so wonderful. After that session when talked about how the speakers held the authority to speak in God's name. I am grateful she got to experience it first hand. I truly believe there is NO WAY you can listen to them speak and not know they are called of God to do so. I am so grateful for conference and I can't wait to get the Ensign and read and apply what I learned.
 My testimony on fasting and prayer definitely was strengthened this week! I know I need to include Heavenly Father more in this work. I know this is the Lords work, so we can't fail.
I love my family. You all better go back and read and apply Elder Ballards talk!!! I will be following up to see if you did it! ;) have a wonderful week.
Love, Sister Page

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