Monday, April 14, 2014

Dear Family,
I really do not appreciate you reminding me that I am half way through my mission. It really freaks me out because I feel like I have so much Heavenly Father wants me to accomplish and not enough time.... so next person to say something about it is in trouble hahaha
This week was wonderful. We had a great exchange with some sister who were struggling. They live in a really rich area and had no one to teach. We found this lady who was very open and they will be teaching her this week. I know that obedience is key to all blessings. Not just in missionary work.  
We also were able to do a lot of service outside this week. It was like 80 degrees and wonderful. I am very excited for it to be sunny again. Although this morning we woke up to snow but I don't really want to talk about it. haha  While doing service I got to talk to a sister in the mission. She told me her story of getting on a mission. I just think it is so neat that so many missionaries sacrifice so much to get out here. Her mom dad abused her and growing up and her mom passed away so she was living with her grandparents. She told them she was going on a mission and they basically disowned her.... and I thought I sacrificed a lot to serve a mission.
Anyway we also saw a really neat miracle last night. The bishops wife came out with us. We were able to contact a less active family. We felt really impressed to talk about the Book of Mormon. While we were talking about it they remembered how the mom had wrote her testimony in the first book of Mormon the dad have ever had. They went and found it and read it to us. The spirit was so strong. I know they all remembered the power of the Book of Mormon. They committed to start reading it again. :)
So since this week is Easter I hope you all would remember our Savior. Because of Him, those feelings of sorrow, loneliness, and despair will one day be swallowed up in a fullness of joy. I am so grateful for all that Christ has done for us. With out the Atonement we could not progress. How horrible would that be to be in a state of damnation? I love Elder Uchtdorfs talk about how we are eternal beings with never ending beginnings. Let us all remember what is most important in life. I love being a missionary and having the opportunity to share my testimony of the Savior in so many settings.
I love you family. Have a wonderful week!
Love, Sister Page

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