Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Dear family,
It sounds like you are doing really well! That makes me happy.:)
So this week was pretty crazy. We saw a huge miracle on Tuesday. So, at leadership council two weeks ago President emphasized that all the missionaries in our stewardship have someone set for baptism. We talked about how we can help them get to that point. So on Tuesday we were going on exchanges with a set of missionaries who didn't have a baptismal set. We made a plan and set some goals with them and then held a fast. that day they had a lesson with this guy and set him for baptism. We also saw many other miracles. It was a wonderful day. They next day I had interviews with President and he talked to me about planning for miracles and having the faith to see them. I know I need to show more faith in the Lords work.  Right after interviews the "awesome" zone leaders asked if we could train the next morning in zone training... we went home to work on it and we just couldn't decide how the training should go. I just had a feeling we needed to get out and work and figure it out later. So we did. We went and had a lesson with Aly and while we were with Aly, Marian called. She is the recent convert who just got diagnosed with cancer. She was feeling very depressed and asked if we would go walk her dogs with her. So us four went out. It was sunny and we had a nice little lesson with both of them. Everything was going well because Marian was finally thinking of something else besides her diagnosis. Then this teenage girl flew by on her skateboard and Marians dog bit her. Long story short the girl is super afraid of blood so she started to freak out. Then Marian since she is super emotionally unstable started to break down. It is sorta funny now but totally was not funny in the moment. So we helped the girl get home and the parents started to get upset with Marian. I just told Marian to go outside and I talked to them for like an hour and my companion and I calmed everyone down. It was rough hahaha BUT the miracle that came out of it was, Marians daughter Amy is not a member and she showed up and saw how Sister Larson and I helped Marian out so much. It softened Amys heart and that night we had a little lesson with her. As of right now she is not super interested in the church, but I know she felt the spirit and that all it takes :) The next day we ended up teaching about the role of the spirit in conversion. It went well :)
Friday we took Aly and her less active step mom to the trail center. It was so neat. The spirit is so strong there! I bet it is super nice for the sisters that get to serve there because it is a huge spiritual boost. I know that Heavenly Father knew I couldn't serve there because being in a building all day would make me go crazy but still it is such a neat place. After the tour we walked around the temple! Aly was dying to go inside it was so cute. She wants to be baptized as soon as possible. I love being a missionary.
My thought for the week is about Lehi's dream. I have been thinking a lot about what the difference between the that partook of the fruit and then fell away and the group that partook of the fruit and stayed. In 1 Nephi 8:30 It talks about how the group that stayed and received a fullness of joy.. it says they, " they came forth and fell down and partook of the fruit of the tree." I have come to realize the difference between those who stay and those who fall away is humility. I know you all are probably laughing right now because y'all know I have struggled with that but I know we need to be humble by being meek, submissive and have a broken heart and a contrite spirit. I know we can choose to be humble by loving God, submitting our will to His, and putting Him first in our lives. I know at the end of like all my emails I say " remember what is most important." That is probably super annoying but putting him first is the key to partaking of the fruit and not falling away. It will bring us eternal joy. I am so grateful for the gospel. I love my family. Have a wonderful week and always remember what is most important.
With love, Sister Page

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