Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Dear Family,
Well, it was another wonderful week in Nebraska. Thank you mom for the Easter package. This week I had the opportunity to go to the Elkhorn area on exchanges. We always see neat miracles on exchanges. President told me to read the gospels and see how Christ performed miracles and how He ministered to the people. I remember the advice Uncle Rob gave me when I was getting set apart. He said to study the life of Christ and become a Christ like missionary... I wish I would have done that earlier and I would have been pro by the time my mission president told me to do it too. That really is the key. Anyway, it is neat to be with these sisters because Heavenly Father magnifies my talents just to help them. Sister Kent who I was with felt inspired to leave a book of Mormon with her testimony on the door of this lady they did service for once. We usually don't just leave Book of Mormons on doors like that but she felt inspirited so I told her to act on the promptings of the spirit. She later informed me the lady thanked her for it and is now reading it. I definitely need to act on the promptings of the spirit better without doubts.
We helped this less active lady and her non member husband with their family history this last week. It was so cool because as i was reading some stories of his family history we found out he is a direct descendant of Big Elk. He is the Indian that made the agreement with Brigham Young to let the Mormons stay in Winter quarters. It talks about him a little in the visitor center so tomorrow he and his wife are going to go with us. We hope and pray he feels the spirit! Sister Larson and I have been praying that we get the opportunity to take people to the trail center. This last week 3 people agreed to go with us. We are so excited. It is a wonderful place of conversion.
We had a lesson with the Huie family this last week. They are the part member family and their daughter is Aly. We talked about prayer and the book of Mormon. We showed a couple Mormon messages. The spirited was so strong. The dad, John, who is not a member after asked us if he could receive a priesthood blessing. He wants to be baptized but has to figure some things out first.
On Saturday we helped out with a 5k for Autism awareness. It was so fun and so nice to be outside working all day! I wish i could have ran in it but it was fun to be out serving in the community.
This week we had our stake conference as well. Sister Weston talked about how we need to "live so that God can use us to bring His children home." We also sang the song "I'll  go where you want me to go" I love the part in it where it says, "It may not be at the battle's front My Lord will have need of me. But if, by a still, small voice he calls to paths that i do not know, I'll answer dear Lord, with my hand in thine: I'll go where you want me to go!" Sometimes in missionary work it is hard to feel like everything you are doing is really meaningful and making a difference but I know this is where the Lord sent me and many times it doesn't seem like the battles front but it is where he wants me to be. I know as we do what the Lord wants us to do then we will become what He wants us to become. I love Nephi's last testimony in 2 Nephi 33:15, " For thus hath the Lord spoken and I must obey. Amen." I know because of His obedience he became the person the Lord wanted him to be.
I love you all. Be good and remember who you are and whose you are.
With love, Sister Page
Ps i totally forgot to tell you my incident with a dog and his waste... i will tell you next week hahaha

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