Monday, June 30, 2014

Dear Family,
So I didn't tell you but this week was transfer week. I am so grateful I get to stay in Papillion with Sister Fuller. Heavenly Father has really been blessing us. We had a wonderful week. I can't remember if I told you last week about Koffi, but he is from Africa. Sister Fuller and I met him at the Library emailing two weeks ago. We had a lesson with him this week. He has some interesting idea's but he is open to learning. We asked him to pray at the end of the lesson. It took him 40 minutes to explain how he prays and then 10 minutes to do the prayer... atleast I think it was ten minutes I am not exactly sure when it started and ended. It was more like meditation. It was super funny. He said he will come join us for church sometime soon.
This girl named Bailey, who I helped teach a couple of times on exchanges was baptized this week. It was so cute because she is not in my ward but she made sure the elders told me to come. Her and I have become really good friends and it is amazing to see the changes she has made. She is very special. We knew in order to go we would need to get some investigators their so Sister Fuller and I prayed really hard. We ended up getting two investigators at the baptism. It was a miracle. Heavenly Father really does answer prayers.
Since this week was transfers Sister Fuller and I got to go to Omaha and take the missionaries out on their first day in the field. We brought them back to Papillion for a couple hours. Sister Fuller and I new that so many blessing and miracles come when we have new missionaries with us. I took one of the new missionaries(Sister Nelson) to go visit this family we had been doing service for. We had never taught them so we wanted to see if we could make them new investigators. We were able to sit down and talk to the two daughters. We taught them the restoration and invited them to be baptized. They told us that they really wanted to. The spirit was really strong and Heavenly Father definitely blessed us for Sister Nelsons benefit. She was pretty nervous but she did a great job! It was so neat. I feel like it was yesterday that I went out as a new missionary that very first day in the field... time is going by way too fast.
Even though Sister Fuller and I weren't getting transferred we still had to go to transfer point and help the sisters in our stewardship get where they needed to be. We were loading all the bags in the transfer van when it started down pouring. It was awesome. We were out in the rain for at least an hour. By the end we were just in puddles of water. I had straightened my hair that morning and by the end my hair was so curly. I haven't had that much fun in a really long time. It was a good day. Sister Call is opening an area and training Sister Nelson. We are their STLs hahaha it is kinda a joke because Sister Call taught me everything I know but I am still so excited!
So yesterday was probably the best Sunday on my mission. We made a deal with one of our investigators, Larry, that if he went to our church we would go to his... haha we totally went to the Methodist Church yesterday. It was such an interesting experience. It was uplifting but definitely something was missing.  It felt so good to go the Church after that and feel the difference. Larry really enjoyed church and I know he could feel the difference as well. I know with all my heart The Church of Jesus Christ is the Lord's Kingdom here on earth. I have no doubt. It was a really neat experience. Yesterday was such a miracle day. We had four nonmembers at church and 3 less actives. Sister Fuller and I have really enjoyed watching people change and turn to Christ in hard times. It is never too late to become the person Heavenly Father wants you to be. No one can ever lose their Divine Potential.
I am so grateful to be a missionary and serve my Heavenly Father full time.
The church is true... thank goodness :)
I love you all! Be good :)
With Love, Sister Page
ps I had pictures of us in the rain but they wont load :( hopefully I can get them sent next week

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