Wednesday, June 4, 2014

My dearest family,
Thanks for all the birthday wishes!
It was so good to see you yesterday. I am glad I got that opportunity to Skype with you. I wasn't joking when I said there was a tornado. Many missionaries didn't get a chance to talk with there family because the power went out. It was actually really cool to see a tornado form though. They still scare me to death though hahah nothing has changed.
I feel like there is nothing to update you on because I told you about like everything big that happened on Skype yesterday.
We have been working a lot with this less active named Nancy. She works everyday and is really stressed about finances. We had a really neat lesson with her this week. She wasn't to have sundays off so bad. I have never felt so strongly as a missionary to promise blessings to someone as I did with her. I know if the Lord will provide for her if she makes that sacrifice. She had a hard time because she is very literal and she doesn't know how taking Sundays off with work but I know miracles don't always make sense. It is so neat to see her faith grow.
I told you a little about George and the Huie family we are working with. I want them to be baptized so bad. We have had some pretty powerful lessons with them. they know it is right. Satan just knows how to get to peoples weak spots though. The dad of the Huie family is not a member. He has been struggling a lot with some things. I am so grateful for the priesthood power though. He was able to receive a priesthood blessing. I know with all my heart he can receive the answers to his prayers.
I am also very grateful for conference. I loved Elder Utchdorfs talk. I think I already talked about it but I love when he said, " We sometimes think that being grateful is what we do after our problems are solved, but how terribly shortsighted that is. How much of life do we miss by waiting to see the rainbow before thanking God that there is rain?" 
I know we can be happy and grateful in all circumstances.
I love you all. have a wonderful week.
With love, Sister Page

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