Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Dear Family,
It sounds like you have all been doing really well. Lots of changes have happened here as well. I am still in Papillion but I have a new companion. She is great. Her name is Sister Fuller. She is from mesa Arizona. I still get to be a STL and I am very excited to serve with Sister Fuller. They sisters need her charity and strength. I know I will learn a lot from her.
Since this week was the last week of transfers we ran completely out of miles. haha so we had to walk everywhere. I loved it. We had been praying to find people to teach. It is cool to see how the spirit really does guide you even though in the moment you don't usually realize it. We were walking to an investigators house and decided to talk a different road. Then, we saw all these news papers all over the street so we picked them all up and then we were looking for a recycling bin. We then saw this lady who was taking her garbage can out to the street. So we ran up and asked her if we could pit it in there. It was perfect timing. We then talked to her about the book of Mormon. She had actually been to church with a member a couple years ago and wanted to know a little more about it. She currently attends a church but she said we could come back! My whole mission I have really struggled with learning to rely on the spirit. I know that if we are working hard and being obedient the Lord will guide us even if we don't realize it.
Since Sister Larson was leaving she got to go say goodbye to people and bear her testimony. It is weird how the work halts for a little when missionaries leave an area, but I am praying that our investigators will continue to progress. We saw George and unfortunately he was told a lot of anti Mormon stuff. It broke my heart. You could tell he knew everything we taught him was true but he is just afraid of change. We will continue to pray for him and to go stop by. Ali on the other hand is doing so great! She came to church with us this last week and we had a really awesome lesson with her. She knew like all the answers to my questions. It was so cute to see her reading personal progress and true to the faith doing sacrament meeting. She just is so prepared and naturally wants to do the right thing even though her family is making poor decisions. It is very inspiring. I am so grateful for the opportunity to teach her.
Another neat thing that happened this week was the day of transfers. I was just a little over whelmed taking on the area and the sisters by myself and making sure transfers went smoothly for all the sisters. The night before I was praying for help. Sister Larson was suppose to leave to Sioux City in the morning but she ended up having to wait till that evening to leave. So, she got to spend to day with Sister Fuller and I. We got to figure everything out together and so I didn't feel as stressed. It was such a tender mercy.
We also had some less actives attend church yesterday and one of them told us she wanted to work towards the temple. There is honestly nothing I would rather do than help someone receive the blessings of the temple. I know Papillion has so much potential. I am grateful for the miracles we have seen and excited to see more.
I love you all have a wonderful week. :)
With love, Sister Page
PS my companion is on a Mormon message called 195 dresses go look it up haha
pps look who I found at my church building... Jackie and Casey Smith haha

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