Wednesday, June 4, 2014

My dearest family,
I am surprised ya'll remembered my birthday haha crazy I only have 2 more days to be a teenager haha feel free to have a birthday party for me at home!
Another week gone by in the mission... I feel like just yesterday I emailed you haha so quick story. Sister Larson and I were street contacting and this guy was outside with his dogs. So, we asked if we could pet them (no I didn't really want to pet them but it is a good excuse to talk) I bent over to pet the dog and I smelled something awful. I then realized I had just stepped in the dogs poo naturally I tried to hide it but the owner totally noticed and was trying not to laugh. I was bearing my testimony about the book of Mormon and trying to awkwardly wipe it off in the grass. The guy could not even take me seriously haha it was a joke so finally I just got his information down and left. I took my pen and got it all out of my shoe. Then we got in the car and left. Me being an idiot I forgot and starting writing with the pen again and then I stuck it in my mouth and sister Larson was like, "um sister page..." and finally realized spit it out and just yelled my head off. It was quit funny. Sister Larson and I needed a good laugh. But seriously I am so dumb.
On Tuesday of this last week I woke up sorta in a lame mood. I just went through the morning motions and didn't think much of it. I was a little distracted during my studies and just figured it would only affect me. We received a call from one of the sisters who was struggling a lot. She was feeling really depressed so we decided to go spend the day with them. I went out with the sister who was having a hard time. I tried to know what Heavenly Father would have me say to help her, but I was having a really hard time feeling the spirit. I then realized it was because of my attitude and my poor studies that morning. I felt so bad that I wasn't of much help to her. I know realize why it is so important to always be worthy of the spirit and to be spiritually ready at al times so we can be an instrument in the Lords hands.
We had a really neat lesson with this old man named George on Wednesday. We taught him the plan of salvation. The spirit was really strong and you could tell he was starting to understand how God's plan for us is perfect and that people is the worked are very confused about the purpose of this life. He is very strong in his church but has an open heart. We haven been seeing him for the past couple weeks. It is so neat to see how his heart is being softened as he reads from the book of Mormon. I honestly think the only thing holding him back is his friends from his church. We are having a lesson with him on Wednesday (my birthday) nothing more would I want than to set him for baptism. That would be the best birthday ever :)
I love that it is warming up so that we can talk to more people outside! It is suppose to get up to 90 degrees this week! Warm weather just makes people feel happier!
So, my thought for the week. I have been thinking a lot about the Atonement. We all know the Atonement is infinite and His grace is sufficient to heal us, but when we talk about "applying the atonement", it is hard to know what our role is. The phrase "applying the Atonement" sorta frustrates me a little. In many ways I know it is something that we can learn, but not necessarily be taught. Yesterday in sunday school we watched this video of a talk given many years ago by Elder Bushe called "unleashing the dormant sprit" I know this is how we can apply the atonement. It is a video on youtube and I want you all to go look it up.
I love you all have a happy birthday week ;)
With love, Sister Page
ps mom I need those stories from our ancestors

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