Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Dear family,
This week has been a little crazy, but one of the best weeks of my mission. So we have been preparing Aly for baptism for the passed couple of months. She has been waiting for her dad, but her dad is living with a less active and is not married. Last Sunday he came to us and told us he was finally ready to be baptized. We were pretty stressed because we were not sure if he would be ready. Sister Fuller and I prayed really hard and we knew there were a couple of things we needed to do to make sure he was ready. We had some really powerful lessons with him and tried to include members as much as possible this last week. He was married yesterday and made it to church! He and Aly have a strong desire to follow Christ. It is so neat to see the Gospel of Jesus Christ change people. The other thing that was really stressful is Sister Fuller and I had to venture out and go find her mom and ask permission for her to be baptized. We were praying really hard. It went really well. We know Heavenly Father was very involved in the work. I know we would not have seen the miracles we saw without Him. They are going to be baptized this Saturday and we are very excited!
I also got the opportunity to attend the temple this week. Sister Fuller and I fasted for the John and Aly and their family( the Huies). I am so grateful Heavenly Father gave us that opportunity this week! It could not come at a better time! I am so grateful for the blessing of the temple. I hope I never take it for granted.
Yesterday the Huis were all at church and four less actives we have been working with. It was such a miracle.
We were on exchanges with the Elkhorn Sisters this last week. Sister Stevens who spoke in general conference was visiting there. So, I went back to read her talk. She talked about how, " the Gospel is not weight; it is wings. It carries us. We can choose to reach for God's hand in our need. We can face our challenges with prayer and trust in the Lord. And in the process we will become like Him." I am so grateful to have to opportunity to help others reach for God's hand and see them become more like them. I know the gospel is our wings and the temple is the vision. I love you all. Thank you for your prayers. Have a wonderful week.
With love, Sister Page

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