Wednesday, June 4, 2014

​Dear family,
It is so weird school gets out this week. it literally seems like yesterday that school started it August... weird. I hope you have a wonderful week and enjoy the freedom haha
This week went really well. We had zone conferences this week. The focus was on eternal families. Our mission President said that he had a mission president conference with Elder Nelson and he said that the world first attacked Joseph Smith, then the Book of Mormon and now the attack is on the families. It was an amazing zone conference. In Preach My Gospel it talks about how " God has established families to bring happiness to His children, allow them to learn correct principles in a loving atmosphere, and prepare them for eternal life." I know the family is central to God's plan for us. We have had the opportunity to be teaching a part member family. Aly is ready to be baptized and this last week John, her dad, told us he was ready to be baptized with her. They will be baptized June 7. They all still have a lot to learn and understand, but I know with the Lord's help all things are possible. I am grateful to have the opportunity to teach their family. they all have a lot of different concerns. Johns fiancé, Leslie, is a less active. We were having a lesson with their whole family. Johns mom, Judy, was in town. She is a southern Baptist. Leslie was saying how she didn't want to go to church with a bunch of hypocrites and Judy just looked at her and said "I would rather go to church with a bunch of hypocrites than to hell with one." haha it was so funny but it really hit Leslie. Each member in that family is struggling with something different, but I know with all my heart that happiness in families is most likely achieved when founded upon the teachings of Jesus Christ. So please pray for the Huie family. I know with His help hearts will be changed and they will begin to understand.
Yesterday we got to take Marian, a recent convert, to the trail center. We were really sad her none member daughter didn't come, but it was a wonderful experience. My companion is a direct descendant from Amy Sumner Porter, the lady who I talked about in my farewell talk. She told us the story while we were looking at the temple and the cemetery. Amy truly knew the importance of the gospel for her family. Because of her sacrifice now thousands of her descendants having the blessing of the gospel. It is so amazing. I wish we all could understand and have the faith that she did.
Sorry my email is so short. I hope you all know I love you and grateful for our family and the gospel. I want everyone in our family to think of one thing you can do to help our family be more in line with the family proclamation because it was truly inspired of God. I am going to ask you all  next week what you came up with. I love you!! :) Be happy for we all have so many reasons to be happy!
Love, Sister Page

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