Monday, June 30, 2014

Dear Family,
I hope you had a wonderful fathers day dad. Sister Fuller and I sang happy birthday and happy fathers day to our dads this last week. We sure love our dads so much.
So we have an investigator named George. He is like in his late 70's and he is my favorite person. He has no intention on changing though. He is all alone and his only friends are from his church. He has been reading the Book of Mormon though and at first he was looking for every reason for in not to be true. He is now in Helaman and he totally knows it is true. He hasn't admitted it, but his feelings about it has totally changed as he has read. We have taught him all three lessons and the other day he said "it is like your church has all the pieces to the puzzle." yeah... he totally knows it is true and it is basically killing me. He said he would listen to the three lessons and after that there wasn't any point in teaching him. So we have taught him the three lesson and I wanted so badly to teach him again so I made up some excuse and got he let us in last Monday. We read from the Book of Mormon with him and watched the Mormon message by Elder Holland that is taken from his talk on, "safety for the soul" It was so amazing. We also took him a fathers day card yesterday, because he has no family and he said we could come read with him again. I am so excited.
There are a lot of other wonderful things happening. A set of sisters in our stewardship have been really struggling. So we went and blitzed their area. We held a fast with them before and we asked them what we should fast for. They said they wanted to find two new investigators during the exchange. Sister Fuller and I lacked in faith and weren't sure if it was obtainable(we are so dumb), but we fasted and prayed with them. Anyway long story short we saw some crazy miracles and found 3 investigators from them and one for us. Haha anything is possible with the Lord. It was a wonderful day.
This last weekend we went to a BBQ with some members. They invited some of their nonmember friends. We have been trying to teach this family they are friends with for a while. We ended up playing soccer and become really good friends with this family. We are going to see the family today! We were pretty excited.
Sister Fuller and I trained at some zone trainings this last week. We talked a lot about the Atonement. sometimes I am stupid and I forget that it is all about Him. I love the quote from Elder Erying in the last general conference and it reminded me of my family... he said, "If you let Him be the leader of your family, things will work out." I know that is true for everyone. How blessed our we to know the truth. don't ever hesitate to share it with others.
I love you all so very much. Remember what is most important and be happy for  we have all the reason to be happy! :)
With love, Sister Page
PS HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FAVORITE BROTHER BRITON (he is my favorite because he is the only one who writes me) I love you birdie. Have a great birthday!

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