Monday, June 30, 2014

Dear family,
Yes, to answer your questions.... there have been many storms these last few weeks. It is really scary. You know how I liked cried when we watched the twister 3D movie thing at Disney World? Yeah, well here it is real and it I can't handle it haha so last Monday two tornadoes touch down just outside of Omaha. That is where Sister Fuller was serving before this. The town is very small but it is destroyed. It was very sad. There has been a lot of service to do for missionaries here in Nebraska. It is really neat to see it soften hearts.
Last Monday night we were going to have FHE with the Huie family. We got a call from one of our investigators, Sharon, because she needed help moving her daughter in. We took the Huie family over there and did service with them. It was amazing how the Lord lined that all up perfectly. Sharon's daughter Danese moved in from Wisconsin. She because a a sad situation had to move her immediately. We were able to call the Wisconsin mission and get missionaries over there to help her. Then, when she got to Nebraska we helped her. Sharon and Danese are very catholic, but they pretty much have fallen in love with missionaries. We invited them over to dinner with our relief society president for next Monday. We hope and pray they will be open to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They other miracles is a less active member is starting to fellowship her. So you know what that means... you have to come to church to fellowship someone hee hee ;)
We also had the opportunity to go on exchanges this week with the Spanish sisters. Basically I am going to be fluent by the time I get home :) I am grateful to get to work with the Hispanic culture a little on my mission. Plus the food they make is way good. haha
We have been praying to find a new investigator and last week we decided the miracle for Preperation day was that we would find someone while doing our preparation day stuff.. anyway, we totally did. His name is Koffee and he is from Africa. He took a Book of Mormon and we will be teaching him again this week. It is pretty amazing the things that can happen when you plan and prepare for miracles.
Tuesday the miracles we decided we were going to plan for was to get an investigator to the Relief Society activity. We basically focused all day on that and shape our whole day to produce that miracle. So it totally didn't happen haha no one came, BUT as we were inviting all these ladies to the activity we ended up finding someone new to teach and do service for. The miracle Heavenly Father wanted to give us was different then we had planned but because we had faith and acted on that faith it all worked out. It was pretty neat.
So the sad part about my week. George, who I talked about last week called and cancelled our appointment because he found a bunch of anti on the internet. It broke my heart. We went and talked to him about it. He is so nice and has such a desire to follow the Savior so it was really sad to see him get so confused. We just bore our testimonies and prayed with him. It was probably the most heart felt prayer I have ever given. I know one day he will accept the Gospel. Right after we left his house the storm hit. I think God was showing George he didn't approve of His decision. haha the storm was so bad that Sister Fuller and I pulled the car over and sang Hymns until the really bad part passed. It was a really neat experience.
So many times on my mission I feel as though Heavenly Father is humbling me. I was reading alma 5 in sacrament meeting and verse 28 hit me pretty hard. Although it will take a lifetime, we need to be completely stripped of pride to live with God. As you can imagine this is extremely hard for me, but I know When God does humble me he helps me back up. Our mission has been talking a lot about hope. The phrase, "perfect brightness of hope" has a whole new meaning to me. I want you all to read the hope section in chapter 6 of PMG.
I LOVE YOU ALL! Thanks for all the love and support I hope you have a wonderful. Always remember what is most important.
With all my love, Sister Page
PS I will send pictures next week. I totally went to THE zoo :) HAHA

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