Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Well it sounds like the family is doing well. Thank you for your emails and letters I really appreciate it!
This week went well. There are always ups and downs, but I am grateful to experience hard things so I can appreciate the miracles and blessings.
We had the opportunity to have a lesson with Ali our investigator. She is so prepared it is insane. She is not even a member yet and is already doing personal progress. She wants to be baptized so bad, but she has to wait for her dad. He also wants to be baptized but he has to wait to be married first. I do know the Lord definitely has prepared them. It is so amazing to see.
I had a really neat experience this week with a set of sisters we are over. We had exchanges with these sisters a week ago and they seemed to be doing well. This week though they just seemed to be on my mind especially when I prayed. I didn't understand because I felt like we had helped them and I needed to focus on a different set of sisters. I finally listened to the promptings and we took them out to lunch. They were having a rough couple of days. They don't have a car and they are in a really rich area so they don't see a lot of success. We were able to sit down with them and pray and make some plans with them. I know with all my heart Heavenly Father is aware of all of His children. I love when Heavenly Father trust me to be an instrument in His hands.
I am so excited for the Women's Conference this week. We met with a former investigator last night and invited her to it. She accepted :) we will be praying our guts out that she comes. I am so excited for conference to come. President Weston has invited all of us to study last conference to prepare for this one coming up. In one of President Monsons talks He said, " The history of the Church in this, the dispensation of the fullness of times, is replete with the experiences of those who have struggles and yet who have remained steadfast and of good cheer. the reason? They have made the gospel of Jesus Christ the center of their lives. This is what will pull us through whatever comes our way. We will still experience difficult challenges, but we will be able to face them, to meet them head-on, and to emerge victorious." I know this is true. I think this is the thing I am grateful for most to have learned so far on my mission. I know if our foundation is not build upon the Gospel then Satan will defeat us. I have seen that in so many peoples lives, in both ways.
I am grateful to have the Gospel and I am sad it has taken me this long in my life to realize it. I know this is the Lords Kingdom here on earth. I love my family and I am so grateful we get to be together forever.
Love, Sister Page
ps I still rock my Dixie state clothes hahaha I miss my sweats

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