Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Well first off CONGRATS TO DEEMA! I am so happy for you :)
This week feels like forever long but it was good! I went on two exchanges this week and they both went pretty well. I went to Millard for one of them and had a neat experience... we taught this Polynesian family. It was so neat how close they were to the spirit and how their spirits connected with ours and they simply just accepted the truth of the gospel because of it. I learned a lot about helping people feel the spirit and how the spirit is the teacher. I wish more people would be accepting to the spirit.
We have been working with this part member family and they are doing pretty well. Their daughter, Ally, who is 14 is moving into their house from her moms house. She informed us she wants to learn more about the church. We taught her the restoration and gave her a book of Mormon. She is such a sweet girl and she has such a wonderful spirit. She wants to be baptized, but she is going to wait for her dad to be baptized.. :( and he has to wait to be baptized because him and his wife won't be married until May or June. It is sorta frustrating but I know Heavenly Father blessed us for sending us Ally. I am so excited to have the opportunity to teach her.
One of our recent converts, Mariun, was baptized in December. She just found out she has cancer. We went with some members and had a really powerful lesson with her. Her home teachers gave her a blessing. It is so amazing to see her faith overcome her trials. Most people would see this as a sign that she "shouldn't have gotten baptized" but she knows by the spirit that the gospel is exactly what she needs right now, especially with what is going on in her life. I am so inspired by her faith. I know a need to exercise my faith more in the work.
Also this week we were teaching this family. The dad is super against the church but the mom is open. We invited her teenage boys to join in with the lesson. They did, but were very closed off. After the lesson they went outside to play basketball. I asked them if I made a shot they made if they would answer my religious questions. They said yes haha so for 30 minutes we played religious question basketball. They opened up and told my they didn't know if they had faith and so forth. We are going back this week to teach them :)
This week I was really thinking about  how grateful I am for a Savior who knows exactly what I am going through. I love the song Savior, Redeemer of my Soul. My favorite line is, " Chasten my soul til I shall be in perfect harmony with thee. Make me more worthy of they love, and fit me for the life above." I know Jesus Christ lives and loves us. This is His work and so we cannot fail.
I love you family. You are wonderful! Always remember what is most important.
Love, Sister Page

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