Thursday, July 17, 2014

Dear Family,
Happy half way mark for me! So they decided that sisters can stay 2 years now if they decide to. How awesome is that? Yeah, I am pretty excited about it.
This week was a great week. It is getting very very hot here. Yesterday it was over a 100 plus extremely humid. I don't even bother doing my hair anymore.. oh who am I kidding I don't do my make up or anything else either. There is just no point.
Monoday night we had dinner and fhe with some investigators. They are very catholic haha and they told us that like six times but they are very interested in family history. So we were able to help them out with that and share a little about why we do family history and the importance of temple work. They totally felt the spirit.
Tuesday we had a lesson with our investigator named Rebecca. We can't figure out where she is at. I am having a really hard time connecting with her. She seems to want to know the truth though so we are going to keep teaching her. Please prayer for Rebecca. Her family needs the gospel.
Sister Fuller and I have been praying very hard to set someone for baptism. We had three lessons this week with Ed and Nancy. Nancy is a less active who is coming back to church and Ed it her husband. He is Native American and VERY stubborn. haha its hilarious actually. He is a direct descendant of Big Elk. Big Elk is the Indian Chief who made the treaty with Brigham Young to let the Mormons stay at Winter quarters. Edd has been working on genealogy and submitting his ancestors to get their temple work done. That is actually how we started teaching him. For the past like 3 months we have been helping him do his genealogy. I have a huge testimony of service now. Service softens peoples hearts and so does their ancestors. It is so neat. Anyway we had an awesome lesson with Ed and Nancy and we set Ed for baptism. He is set for August 2. Nancy was so happy. Ed has a lot to overcome but I know he can through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is my favorite thing to watch the Atonement change people. They invited us over for dinner the next day. When we got their Sister Fuller asked if he had read the chapter we had left him. He had already read it three times. They also came to church this week. We definitely didn't deserve those miracles, but Sister Fuller and i feel very humbled to receive them.
I also had the opportunity to go to leadership council on the fourth of July. It was so fun. All this sister in my MTC district are sister training leaders except for two of them and they went home early. Sad, but way fun to see all of them. I love going to those meetings because i always leave feeling a little rebuked but very motivated hahaha
Sister Fuller and i felt we should receive a blessing this week. We really felt like we should ask this guy in our ward so we did. It was such an neat experience. I left with a whole new outlook on mine and others divine potential. Neal A Maxwell once said, "What we insistently desire, over time, is what we will eventually become and what we will receive in eternity.. Only by educating and training our desires can they become our allies instead of our enemies!" I know we all have the divine potential to become like our Heavenly Father but this life is about training and educating our desires. One way is to know who you really are because it makes decisions easier. I am so grateful for the gospel. I know the Priesthood authority is real. The gospel has been restored. I love you all! Be good! See you in a year! :)
With love, Sister Page

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