Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Dear Family,
I am so happy to hear the Vera Family is staying with you. They are so neat. Thank you for opening our home to them. When I was in Kearney their home was my home, so it warms my heart to know you are returning the favor!
This week was a great week. There are always ups and downs, but the blessing always win out :) We had the opportunity to go on two exchanges this week. I got to go with Sister Call again. It was so much fun. I am so grateful Heavenly Father gives me the opportunity to be an instrument in His hands. Often times it is very humbling.... which is a good thing.
Last night we got to teach Amy, Marian's daughter. It was a very powerful lesson. She is in a really hard stage of her life. She is in her early 40s, divorced and just moved back home. She is really searching for her purpose in life. We started by reading part of the Book of Mormon with her, then some of her questions lead right into what we wanted to talk about. I love when that happens! The whole lesson was completely lead by the spirit. I know it is because she is prepared. We have been studying in PMG chatpter 4 about recognizing the spirit. It is so neat when you have experiences where you can apply what you are learning. We then showed her a Mormon message about our divine potential. She loved it had many question. We were able to teach her the Plan of Salvation and invite her to church. I know This Gospel is true because the spirit testified to here of these incredible restored truths!
Another HUGE highlight of our week was we got to teach Edd like four times. He quite smoking!!!! :) I honestly am in shock, still. He has been smoking for 50 years and he was able to give it up for the gospel. He wants it so bad it is so neat. He had his interview yesterday. Our district leader who interviewed him said the spirit was really strong. I honestly have never seen anyone change so much. The Atonement is real. His wife, Nancy, is so happy. She has wanted this for so many years. Sister Fuller and I can totally see them as temple workers in a few years haha :) So, Edd's baptism is this Saturday. It is so neat to watch him chose to do what God would have him to because he is starting to understand it is what's best for him. It reminds me of Mosiah 2:34. We need to "render to Him all that you have and are." because we are truly "indebted to our Heavenly Father" Please pray for Edd to have the spiritual, physical and emotional strength to be baptized this week. Satan is working really hard on him, but we all know with the Lord anything is possible. I know that because of Edd :)
We are also pretty excited because we have the opportunity to teach these two families. We have been working really hard to earn their trust and with Heavenly Fathers help and the help of members we have appointments set up to meet with them :) I know how important members are in this work. Ed would not have progressed this far if it weren't for his member friends.
I love being a missionary. Thank you family for all your prayers and support. I love you all so much. Take care of the Vera family. Give them all hugs for me :) Also, The Stephens from Papillion are coming through and are going to drop off some stuff. Expect a call from them.
Have a wonderful week and always remember what is most important!
Love, Sister Page

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