Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Dearest Family,
It sounds like you are all doing well and that makes me happy. This week was a wonderful week. Last Monday we had a zone activity at the park and we play volleyball and kickball. It was so fun I really miss playing sports. It was a good day. That wasn't even the best part of the day though. We went to the store to buy groceries and we say Amy (Marians daughter... Marian is a recent convert) and she was having a hard day. We know her well enough to talk to her but she has always been uninterested in learning more. At the store she expressed to us how hard the day was. We told her we would come visit her that night. When we got there that night she was just headed out to walk her dogs. We walked with her and talked about how the gospel has helped her mom have the strength to overcome cancer. We bore our testimonies about Heavenly Fathers love for her and asked if we could come teach her... she accepted. So last night we went over and taught her the restoration and honestly it was the best restoration lesson I have ever had. She is going to pray about being baptized!
Things are taking off it is so exciting. The Lord is truly hastening His work. I had interviews with President Weston on Tuesday. We talked about how this is His work and how He does the hastening not us. I am so grateful I get to be apart of it. I pray that all of us, not just missionaries, may play apart in it. How wonderful it is to be an instrument in the Lord's hands (Mosiah 27:36-37)! President also talked about how the adversary is working even harder on missionaries because the work is hastening. I would definitely agree. I have never felt to adversary work so hard as he is now. We got to see it first hand on Wednesday. We ended up going on an emergency exchange with some sisters. It is interesting how the adversary is getting smarter. If you have noticed he isn't attacking the church and the members from the outside anymore, he is attacking from within the church and the people personally. Good thing righteousness will ALWAYS be more powerful than wickedness.
Thursday we went on another exchange and I ended up being in the other area. Those sisters didn't have a car that day so we walked all day... haha it was rough. I have such a hard life haha just kidding I actually really enjoyed it. I am so out of shape.
Friday was Sister Fullers birthday. We were so tired from the two exchanges previous but we did see an amazing miracle! the member we had dinner with is so awesome. She said we are the first missionaries she has wanted to introduce to her friend. WE got to meet her and she said she is coming to church this Sunday and that we can teach her!!! We were so excited :) Ya'll probably don't realize how huge that is. It was such a miracle!
Saturday we taught Ed. He first brought up a question about Either 12:22... it was really neat because we got to teach him about how that scripture was about him!!!! He was pretty excited :) then we taught the Word of Wisdom. He has been smoking since for over 50 years. It was an amazing lesson. We felt inspired to first talk about obedience and then teach him the commandment. Since he was in the army he expressed how he understand obedience. It was really neat. We took his cigarettes and coffee with us when we left!  He came to all three hours of church on Sunday and he has smoked since then :)
I am so grateful to be here in Papillion. Before I came here Brother Vera gave me a blessing and in it, it talked about how their were people in Papillion that I need to teach. I truly felt that for the first time this week.
I love being a missionary. Hurrah for Israel!
Love, Sister Page

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