Thursday, July 17, 2014

Dearest Family,
So, you all know I am not serving a two year mission... I was joking. Seriously though I wish. That would be amazing. Elders are so lucky. I have interviews with President tomorrow though and I am going to tell him the story and tell him my family thinks I am staying 2 years so they are getting foreign exchange students.. maybe he will change his mind. Foreign exchange students... haha good one family. It did make me feel good that you were all so sad.. you still love me :) haha

This week Sister Fuller and I saw so many miracles. The work here is really taking off and I honestly never want to leave. We had four investigators at church yesterday. I have been praying a lot asking Heavenly Father to use my talents to help build His kingdom. There are all these sisters who can sing really well or play an instrument and it has really brought people to the truth. As I have been praying about it, I had the idea to start playing soccer once a week with members and their non member friends. This last week one of our investigators brought her nonmember friends. We found out they are in a part member family and we have been trying to get into their house for months. After we played their dad, who is the only member in the family, text us and said, "my daughters really liked you two. You can come over Tuesday night." We were so excited. Heavenly Father really does answer prayers. he cares about our righteous desires. I was listening to Elder Hollands talk about lessons learned in liberty jail. He talked a lot about hoe God cares about our righteous desires he also said..
"Whenever these moments of our extremity come, we must not succumb to the fear that God has abandoned us or that He does not hear our prayers. He does hear us. He does see us. He does‍ love us. When we are in dire circumstances and want to cry, “Where art Thou?” it is imperative that we remember He is right there with us—where He has always been! We must continue to believe, continue to have faith, continue to pray and plead with heaven, even if we feel for a time our prayers are not heard and that God has somehow gone away. He is‍ there. Our prayers are‍ heard. And when we weep He and the angels of heaven weep with us."
I really needed to hear this. Sometimes I feel as though I am bipolar or something because one minute I will be so happy and full of the spirit because we saw an amazing miracle and then the next I will be sad because someone rejected the blessings of the gospel. I have come to the conclusion it is just missionary work.. but still. Sometimes it is emotionally exhausting.  
Some other neat things happened this week. We had an amazing lesson with Edd and Nancy this week. Sister Fuller and I decided to Sing some hymns to them during the lesson. Edd has been really struggling to have the courage to pray. We had a lesson on the Gospel of Jesus Christ then we sang "come follow me" right after I asked him to say the prayer and he did! It was a beautiful prayer. Later this week He hurt his knee really bad. We asked him if he wanted a blessing. Normally he doesn't like to ask for help or seem weak or unknowledgeable, but he said to us that he is willing to learn about the priesthood and get a blessing. The gospel is truly changing him it is so neat.  
We got to train in two zone trainings this week. The zone leaders had us train on one of the commitments they were extending haha long story short the whole zone didn't like the commitment and sorta attacked us during the trainig. Heavenly Father blessed us to know what to say.. but seriously haha so dumb.
Lets see what else.... it was just an awesome, crazy week. I wish I could tell you more but I am out of time. I love you family. Have a wonderful week. Thank you for your prayers. Be good.
With love, Sister Page

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