Monday, October 27, 2014

Dear family,
Sorry I am late emailing today... we got a flat tire. It was totally the elders fault so don't worry I made them fix it. I know what you are thinking, how can I know that it was their fault? I just do. So I played soccer in the parking lot while they fixed it. haha I promise I wasn't a huge brat about it. Today has been such a crazy day. This week I have been dreading for so long. All my past companions go home. :( My heart is a little broken. I was trying to get an opportunity to go to their departing testimonies but it doesn't look like I will be able to and I am sad. All four of them were amazing and I will miss them very much. I am so grateful for all that I learned from them. I definitely wouldn't be the missionary I am right now if it weren't for them. I hope they all come visit the family soon. I know what mom and dad are thinking and yes I would love for any of them to marry Tyler or Briton :)
This was a wonderful week! Last Monday we drove to Omaha for the trainer trainee meeting. We got to stay with the Papillion sisters... It was so awesome!!! Everything is going really well in that area, it makes me so happy. The meeting was very good and I learned a lot about myself and how I can be a better trainer. Poor Sister Taggart haha I am such a bossy turd sometimes. It is a good thing I didn't train myself because I probably would have killed me. She has done so well and as we talked at the meeting the only struggles I can see in her are things that I still struggle with so I can't complain. Plus it is hard to know how to help her. Things are going very well though. We are learning together.
We had a really awesome lesson with David this week. He understands the things he needs to do and change. We had the lesson in the church and he set some really great goals. The thing that is making the biggest difference is that members are really fellowshipping him. He came to church this week and really enjoyed it. It is amazing to see how the gospel can change peoples lives.
Another AMAZING thing that happened this week! I got news from Sister Fuller that Chip and Ava were getting baptized and they wanted me to come speak at the baptism. Long story short we called everyone and their dog to go. in order to go I had to have a member drive us and have an investigator come. We had it all set up but the night before everything fell through. I about died. Finally I remembered that I don't need to figure all these things out on my own and that I needed to get down on my knees and pray. I felt really strongly to just read the book of Mormon, which doesn't really make sense because it was late at night and things needed to get figured out, but I did anyway. I opened it up and just started reading. It was a total answer to prayers. I read Mosiah 24:16, " And it came to pass that so great was their faith and their patience that the voice of the Lord came unto them again, saying: Be of good comfort, for on the morrow I will deliver you out of bondage." crazy huh? Right after I read that a part member family called and said they could go. Sometimes Heavenly Father unfortunately has to wake us up a little. It was great to go to the baptism and speak. I have a new motivation and desire to help others enter into the gate of baptism. I am so grateful for that learning experience. Heavenly Father really cares sometimes we just forget to keep him included.
Haha after we got home Saturday night I remembered I was speaking to next day in sacrament meeting... I was super excited to speak about the Book of Mormon. It went well. I love to Book of Mormon. You all better be reading it so you can finish by the time I get home.
I love you all. Be good and remember what is most important.
Love Sister Page

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Dear Family,
First off, I got Deema and Tori's school pictures. They are so stinkin old. It is freaking me out. I have Tori's 8th grade picture in my wallet and the picture I got of her this week is not the same person.. hahah
We had a pretty good week this week. David was doing so well but then we stopped by one night and he was totally wasted. I feel bad cause it totally freaked Sister Taggart out. We were safe and everything, but it was just really sad. He has so much potential but can't seem to find the strength to make that step yet. He has such a good heart and I think he just needs some time to figure things out.
We were praying and fasting really hard for this one part member family this week We had the opportunity to visit with them. The wife is active and her husband is not a member. He is totally awesome though. He is the nicest guy you will ever meet, but he has had some bad experiences in the past with members and churches in general. We asked her before we stopped by if we could ask him if he wanted to take the lessons. Although missionaries have been lame towards him in the past, she said we could ask him. So finally I got up the courage and asked him. He didn't say no! haha it was great. He said he just wants to take baby steps! I am totally okay with that. I know that if we get him in a good spiritual environment that his heart will be changed because he wants to do what is right. We were pretty excited. He totally came to church on Sunday.. mostly to see the primary program but still it was amazing.
Skyeleah is doing well too! We prayed really hard to have the opportunity to go see Meet the Mormons in Omaha. Our ward mission leader and his wife offered to take us! We prayed really hard and tried getting ahold of Sky. We knew this would be such a wonderful experience for her and will really help her find answers. We couldn't got ahold of her Saturday morning so finally we just went over there and woke her up and got her out of bed. hahaha it worked. She only hated me for like 5 minutes. She totally loved Omaha!!!! Meet the Mormons was great for her to see. I loved how whenever the story talked about missionaries bring the gospel to them is was ALWAYS sister missionaries!!! That is whats up. After the movie we went to the trail center and to the temple with her. The spirit is so strong there. I was so happy to be back. I love the temple there is so much power behind going to the temple. I love President Monsons quote, "No sacrifice too great for the blessings of the temple." How true that is. We went into the waiting room in the temple and taught her a little bit more about it. I invited her to pray to know if this is the path Heavenly father wanted her to go on. The spirit was really strong. She not only felt it but recognized it as well.
I have been studying a lot lately about sacrifice. I read this morning about Aaron and when he is converting the King. At first the King says he is willing to give up his kingdom to know God but then he realizes he needs to give up his sins to know God. I realized that this is the sacrifice Heavenly Father wants from us.. to give up the sins that easily beset us. Amazing the things you can learn from the Book of Mormon hahah
We got a new ward mission leader yesterday. We were super sad to see Brother Obrien go. He and his wife have done so much for us. We are really excited for our new one. He is from England and is a power house. Heavenly Father has some amazing things planned form Grand Island. I am super grateful to be apart of it.
Life is good. I love the Gospel. Have a wonderful week! :)
Love, Sister Page

Monday, October 13, 2014

Dear Page Family,
So I totally thought the Library was going to be closed today so I haven't even been thinking about what I would tell you about. We did have a wonderful week though. We are earning the trust of the members, which I have learned is the best thing you can do to move the work along. On Wednesday we had a ward activity so the first of the week was focused on getting investigators and LA to the activity. We were able to come in contact with many less active ladies in our ward and invite them. One of them has never let any member of the church in her house she would just talk to them out on the porch so Sister Taggart and I had to get creative. We showed up with service clothes to help her mow her lawn and told her we had to go inside and change. She let us and we had a wonderful conversation with her. The next time we went we brought a member and she let us all in. Then I told her I was calling someone to pick her up for the activity and she let me! She came and loved it. We told one less active to fellowship the other one and vice versa. Everyone just needs to be needed. We all had a wonderful time.   It was this cute pumpkin patch with like western games. There was this big slide and you bet I went down it in my skirt. I am super bummed because I didn't bring my camera but that is okay. We had like 5 less actives there, 2 investigators and a couple part member families. Sister Taggart and I feel it is most important to work with the part member families right now. So many of them have potential. We met with one of them last night. Sister Orr is a member but her husband is not. So picture an older man with a mustache who was been a trucker is whole life. When we first knocked on his door he answered and said, "What do you want?!" Poor Sister Taggart was so freaked out. I just smiled and told him we wanted to visit. WE had a good little lesson with them and they invited us over for dinner. I know he has had many opportunities to accept the gospel and quite frankly he just doesn't want to be told what to do. He totally likes us though and they invited us over for dinner this week! I was reading in Alma today bout Amulek. He had a hard heart and rebelled against the Lords invitations many times. Then when The Lord asked him to serve a servant of the Lord he accepted it and having Alma in is home softened his heart. Brother Orr was really excited to have us over and we hope and pray his heart will be softened.
Skyeleah and David are doing really well. They are both progressing towards baptism and I am just so grateful for the opportunity I have to teach both of them.
Super lame email, sorry. I ran out of time. I hope you have a wonderful week. Please remember who you are and whose you are. I love you all.
Love, Sister Page
Please pray for Skyeleah, David, the Orrs and the Sheers... your prayers are much appreciated! Thanks :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Dear Family,
Before I forget, I got a letter from Amy in Papillion. She is doing amazing. It makes me so happy to see her becoming a kingdom builder. She really gets it, ya know? She was sad I wasn't there but they sang my favorite hymn which made me feel really good. I will definitely be in touch with her for the rest of my life. It is so neat to see the Gospel change people. Oh and it makes me feel good that she didn't forget about me haha
This week I went on exchanges with my STL. It was awesome haha I love having sister training leaders. I just feel bad for all the sisters who had me as their STL and not the sisters that I have! haha The Sister I went with is from Canada. She is great but I couldn't remember where Dad served his mission... super embarrassing I know. So if you could let me know that would be lovely thanks. :) Sky, the girl we took to the womens broadcast is doing so great! We ahd a lesson with her this week. It is such a blessing because as I am training Sister Taggart Heavenly Father has given us opportunities to apply what we have been talking about. Sister Taggart set Sky for baptism for November 1 :) she was sad she has to wait so long it was really cute.
 I was so determined to get investigators to watch every session of General Conference with us! We had everything set up for each session watching with an investigator or a part member family. I was so excited. I love watching conference as a missionary! Sky ended up getting really sick this weekend and didn't come. It was sad BUT she watched at home and she loved it. She said she can't wait for church next week. I am so happy she heard Elder Bednars talk. I wish I could show that to everyone and their dog... cause everyone has a dog here and it is so annoying! Anyway, We also had a lesson with David this week. He is doing really well. He is pretty rough on the outside, but has a sweet spirit. You can tell he has had a hard life but he has a sincere heart and true intent and that is all it takes. He came and watched two sessions of conference with us. It was so funny cause after President Monson spoke he turned to us and said, "he is the man!" really loud in the chapel. It was great. President Monson really is the man haha what better way for others to gain a testimony of a living prophet than to hear him speak. David after conference said he knows there are things he has to give up. I think that is simply amazing becasue we haven't taught him any comandments. I know the spirit witness to him adjustments he needed to make in his life to be more in harmony with God. I hope and pray we all are sensitive enough to the spirit to know what things we need to adjust. What great blessing it is to have the gift of the holy ghost!
 Sometimes while watching conference as a missionary I have gotten sad thinking about not watching with the family like I have done for most of my life, but how amazing it was to watch with a nonmember. sometimes I think we don't realize how good we have it until we share it with others... that was super profound I know ;)
Anyway this week was really good. I loved a lot of the talks but i really enjoyed Elder Jorg Klebingat's talk. I loved how he talked about during the hard times we just need to smile and say, "I understand Lord, this is a time to prove myself." I hope to make that the theme of the rest of my mission. I know that if we don't decide to work hard and enjoy the present then we never will in the future. I know this Gospel is the only way to true happiness. I hope you all have a wonderful week. I love you a lot. Be good.
Love, Sister Page
PS thanks Tori for you letter... I sure love you. Good luck in play offs.