Monday, October 13, 2014

Dear Page Family,
So I totally thought the Library was going to be closed today so I haven't even been thinking about what I would tell you about. We did have a wonderful week though. We are earning the trust of the members, which I have learned is the best thing you can do to move the work along. On Wednesday we had a ward activity so the first of the week was focused on getting investigators and LA to the activity. We were able to come in contact with many less active ladies in our ward and invite them. One of them has never let any member of the church in her house she would just talk to them out on the porch so Sister Taggart and I had to get creative. We showed up with service clothes to help her mow her lawn and told her we had to go inside and change. She let us and we had a wonderful conversation with her. The next time we went we brought a member and she let us all in. Then I told her I was calling someone to pick her up for the activity and she let me! She came and loved it. We told one less active to fellowship the other one and vice versa. Everyone just needs to be needed. We all had a wonderful time.   It was this cute pumpkin patch with like western games. There was this big slide and you bet I went down it in my skirt. I am super bummed because I didn't bring my camera but that is okay. We had like 5 less actives there, 2 investigators and a couple part member families. Sister Taggart and I feel it is most important to work with the part member families right now. So many of them have potential. We met with one of them last night. Sister Orr is a member but her husband is not. So picture an older man with a mustache who was been a trucker is whole life. When we first knocked on his door he answered and said, "What do you want?!" Poor Sister Taggart was so freaked out. I just smiled and told him we wanted to visit. WE had a good little lesson with them and they invited us over for dinner. I know he has had many opportunities to accept the gospel and quite frankly he just doesn't want to be told what to do. He totally likes us though and they invited us over for dinner this week! I was reading in Alma today bout Amulek. He had a hard heart and rebelled against the Lords invitations many times. Then when The Lord asked him to serve a servant of the Lord he accepted it and having Alma in is home softened his heart. Brother Orr was really excited to have us over and we hope and pray his heart will be softened.
Skyeleah and David are doing really well. They are both progressing towards baptism and I am just so grateful for the opportunity I have to teach both of them.
Super lame email, sorry. I ran out of time. I hope you have a wonderful week. Please remember who you are and whose you are. I love you all.
Love, Sister Page
Please pray for Skyeleah, David, the Orrs and the Sheers... your prayers are much appreciated! Thanks :)

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