Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Dear Family,
Before I forget, I got a letter from Amy in Papillion. She is doing amazing. It makes me so happy to see her becoming a kingdom builder. She really gets it, ya know? She was sad I wasn't there but they sang my favorite hymn which made me feel really good. I will definitely be in touch with her for the rest of my life. It is so neat to see the Gospel change people. Oh and it makes me feel good that she didn't forget about me haha
This week I went on exchanges with my STL. It was awesome haha I love having sister training leaders. I just feel bad for all the sisters who had me as their STL and not the sisters that I have! haha The Sister I went with is from Canada. She is great but I couldn't remember where Dad served his mission... super embarrassing I know. So if you could let me know that would be lovely thanks. :) Sky, the girl we took to the womens broadcast is doing so great! We ahd a lesson with her this week. It is such a blessing because as I am training Sister Taggart Heavenly Father has given us opportunities to apply what we have been talking about. Sister Taggart set Sky for baptism for November 1 :) she was sad she has to wait so long it was really cute.
 I was so determined to get investigators to watch every session of General Conference with us! We had everything set up for each session watching with an investigator or a part member family. I was so excited. I love watching conference as a missionary! Sky ended up getting really sick this weekend and didn't come. It was sad BUT she watched at home and she loved it. She said she can't wait for church next week. I am so happy she heard Elder Bednars talk. I wish I could show that to everyone and their dog... cause everyone has a dog here and it is so annoying! Anyway, We also had a lesson with David this week. He is doing really well. He is pretty rough on the outside, but has a sweet spirit. You can tell he has had a hard life but he has a sincere heart and true intent and that is all it takes. He came and watched two sessions of conference with us. It was so funny cause after President Monson spoke he turned to us and said, "he is the man!" really loud in the chapel. It was great. President Monson really is the man haha what better way for others to gain a testimony of a living prophet than to hear him speak. David after conference said he knows there are things he has to give up. I think that is simply amazing becasue we haven't taught him any comandments. I know the spirit witness to him adjustments he needed to make in his life to be more in harmony with God. I hope and pray we all are sensitive enough to the spirit to know what things we need to adjust. What great blessing it is to have the gift of the holy ghost!
 Sometimes while watching conference as a missionary I have gotten sad thinking about not watching with the family like I have done for most of my life, but how amazing it was to watch with a nonmember. sometimes I think we don't realize how good we have it until we share it with others... that was super profound I know ;)
Anyway this week was really good. I loved a lot of the talks but i really enjoyed Elder Jorg Klebingat's talk. I loved how he talked about during the hard times we just need to smile and say, "I understand Lord, this is a time to prove myself." I hope to make that the theme of the rest of my mission. I know that if we don't decide to work hard and enjoy the present then we never will in the future. I know this Gospel is the only way to true happiness. I hope you all have a wonderful week. I love you a lot. Be good.
Love, Sister Page
PS thanks Tori for you letter... I sure love you. Good luck in play offs.

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